A Research and Resource Repository
A reverse-chronologically ordered sequence of entries on a particular topic or concept. Individual entries written, usually by one author. Links and uploaded documents enabled. Available for a World Wide Web audience. Comments on posts enabled to generate discussions.
Journal – health, spiritual, travel, or other types of reflective journals Expert source of information – sharing individual expert knowledge News and media Educational – a variety of uses in education A repository of resources
A repository is place for storing information.
Tertiary students and teachers undertake great volumes of research and reading. Research and resources come from many various locations. Research and readings are done at many different times and in many different locations. Research and readings come from many difference sources and authors. Research and resources need to be easy to find.
Students and teachers can link articles and research they have found to a post in their blog summarising the important of the research to their current study. Downloaded copies of research and readings can be uploaded and stored in a blog to keep safe and on hand. Make citation easier when completing assessment tasks. Allows a teacher to see the progressive research and reading of a student in their course.
Keep notes on very relevant resources for easy recovery. Teachers can make it a requirement that posts have to be made for each set reading so that reading student blogs will then show evidence of course task completion. There are may many more benefits for blogging in this area.
A comprehensive blog on e-learning - Susan Smith Nash looks at all kinds of technology that contribute to e-learning. - Shares podcasts and videos on the issues facing e-learning and its development - Has links to downloads of free articles, ebooks, tips, essays, flowcharts and other guides.
Stephen is a prominent Canadian researcher who has chosen to use a blog to share valuable research, publications, newsletters, articles and links with the World Wide Web. Chat and discussions take place here between many researchers and educators.
Provides resources for research purposes, reference materials, online expertise, development in writing and other skills. Posts point to and discuss various resources to assist students looking to make sense of research materials. Assist in developing writing and publication practice.
A librarian puts her experiences into a blog that is specific and detailed in its real-life examples of the impact of technology. Shares a huge amount of bookmarked resources. Presentations available for viewing and further information. Research into technology in education – case study examples possible.
es/ es/ A blog from the University of Sydney that explores the implications, policies and methods of researching online. Often looks at and particular quotes relevant literature, providing good links to information on some implications for e-learning.
Technology news for todays educators using technology. Shares various resources and looks into much research on e-learning and educating with technology. Links shared to other resource and research centres.
Blogs are so diverse in their setup and production, educators can use them as a tool for anything but as a tool to reflect on resources and research, it could prove of great value. When writing an assessment task, someone could often end up thinking “where is the evidence to support that point I just made?”. If the student has a great record of their research in a blog and their reflections on each article or publication, finding the evidence needed is going to become so much easier.
Individual blogging on research and resources gathered adds to the profile of a person. A position on a particular topic or argument can be formed when a student is asked to reflect more critically on articles of relevance to their study. Pursuing further study after an initial degree may become more common if students form and grow a love of their topic of interest by blogging about it… their blog could become their lifelong specialisation.