Sascha D-PAD Sparse Aperture Array
Sascha Presentation Overview D-PAD Aims What is D-PAD? Advantages of this design Recent results Future work
Sascha D-PAD Aims Broadband SKA test system which will work in RFI environment Develop an SKA 1 AA-low compatible digital back-end processing system Experimentally quantify the effect of side lobes on imaging dynamic range Investigate novel direct imaging correlator algorithms Compare calibration issues of aperture arrays with dishes of similar frequency
Sascha What is D-PAD? D-PAD = Danny’s PhD Aperture-array Demonstrator Key Values: f = MHz, 8 stations/tiles, sparse high-gain antennas the first tile
Sascha What is D-PAD? Least complex instrument possible that replicates most key aspects of an SKA aperture array Flexible and reconfigurable hardware and software Testbed for comparing measurements with simulations Digital system can be recycled for AA-low and AA-mid test systems Science with AA-high feasibility study; transients, solar, local HI, pulsars?
Sascha D-PAD High Gain Antenna Antenna element beam Half power beam width: ±24°, directivity: 8.45dBi, sidelobe: -15dB, front-to-back: -18dB, ellipticity: 8%
Sascha D-PAD Analogue System
Sascha D-PAD Analogue System Y-Polarisation antenna blade LNA 2-way 0° combiner X-Polarisation amp2 coax antenna blade LNA 2-way 0° combiner amp2 coax filter gain block 16-way 0° beamformer gain block coax filter coax gain block filter
Sascha 10GbE D-PAD Digital System 16-port 10GbE switch data acquisition computer 10GbE X 2 Y 2 X 1 Y 1 ROACH FFFF X X 4 Y 4 X 3 Y 3 ROACH FFFF X 6 Y 6 X 5 Y 5 ROACH FFFF X 8 Y 8 X 7 Y 7 iADC ROACH FFFF 10GbE iADC Image credits CASPER
Sascha D-PAD Digital System F Design TypeContinuum21-cm Line FPGA Clock250MHz75MHz Band Pass500MHz150MHz Nyquist Zone3 rd 9 th Frequency Range Spectral Channels Spectral Resolution488kHz36.6kHz Velocity Resolution51km/s7.7km/s Complimentary spectrometer designs Milli-second, fast transient spectrometer design will be incorporated shortly Image credits CASPER
Sascha Advantages of this Design High-gain antenna results in greater sensitivity also reduces impact of sparse array grating lobes higher imaging dynamic range than sparse arrays with omni- directional antennas Sparse aperture arrays have faster survey speed small diameter stations = larger intrinsic Field-of-View than dishes of same total collecting area: FoV = π (1.22*λ/d) 2 Wide radio frequency bandwidth (500MHz) greater continuum sensitivity, greater flexibility (compare with LOFAR and MWA; 32MHz ) Greater sensitivity for line surveys at higher redshift full collecting area over entire bandwidth: A eff = G λ c 2 /4π
Sascha Advantages of this Design Analogue beamformer reduces cost fewer receiver chains, less power, less computation Fast ADCs means no complicated down conversion Direct sampling in 3 rd Nyqusit zone (same digital hardware as MHz SKA AA-low system) Novel correlators reduce computational cost direct imaging correlators MOFF or FFTT (close-packed tiles can use Fourier transform on a spatial grid ) MOFF can use FFT while traditional FX correlator must use DFT Higher operating frequency, less demanding calibration lower sky brightness temperature, fewer bright in foreground subtraction, less complex polarisation calibration
Sascha D-PAD Frequency Spectrum Frequency (MHz) Arb. Power (dB)
Sascha Continuum Observations 20,000 spectra per polarisation over 5 days with 20s integration time
Sascha 21cm Neutral Hydrogen Line 10,000 spectra per polarisation over 3 days with 17s integration time
Sascha Future Work Detailed analysis of observations Millisecond transient spectrometer Array beam pattern measurement Construction of 8-tile system
Sascha Supplementary Slides
Sascha Advantages of this Design Greater sensitivity for line surveys at higher redshift full collecting area over entire bandwidth effective area: A eff = G λ c 2 /4π
Sascha D-PAD Digital System X 2 Y 2 Finite Impulse Response Band-Pass Filter Analogue to Digital Fast Fourier Transform Real Convert to Power Vector Accumulate BRAM Vector Accumulate BRAM Cast/Slice Packetise to 10GbE Cast/Slice Convert to Power X 1 Y 1
Sascha Radio Frequency Interference
Sascha Sidelobe Mitigation Techniques
Sascha Noise Figure Measurements
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components LPDA Antenna (at boresight)
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components Receiver Board (noise temperature ≈ 35K)
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components Gain Amplifier
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components Band-Pass Filter
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components Beam-Forming Combiner
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components Coaxial Cable A and C
Sascha D-PAD Analogue Components Coaxial Cable B
Sascha D-PAD Analogue System Total Gain
Sascha SKA Key Science Drivers
Sascha SKA Document Parameters
Sascha Grating Lobes Station beam pattern Antenna Element Separation Station Beam Pattern Antenna separation: dense (f < 1)nominal (f = 1)sparse (f > 1)random (f > 1) [SKA Memo 87] Beam Power
Sascha Instantaneous Field of View Fully Digital Dense A. Array 120deg 10,000deg 2 18deg 250deg 2 Hybrid Dense A. Array 120deg 10,000deg 2 28deg 625deg 2 18deg 250deg 2 60m Dish + Phased Array Feed 120deg+ 10,000deg 2 + 18deg 250deg 2 Sparse High Gain A. Array 36deg 1,000deg 2 18deg 250deg 2
Sascha Effective Area Effective Area: A eff (θ,φ) = G (θ,φ) λ c 2 /4π sparse limit Effective Area per Element dense up to f c = 700MHz dense up to f c = 1000MHz fcfc fcfc [SKA Memo 100] f c = 300MHz
Sascha Sky Brightness Temperature T sky = 5e8 * f SKA Memo 95 by Germán Cortés Medellín.
Sascha Sensitivity SKA Phase 1 Sensitivity
Sascha D-PAD Y-PolarisationX-Polarisation filter gain block 2-way 0° combiner antenna blade LNA 2-way 0° combiner amp2 coax antenna blade LNA 2-way 0° combiner amp2 coax gain block coax filter coax iADC ROACH F 10GbE GPU dispersion measure PC