UL Careers Service Career Development Module A Career Investigation
UL Careers Service Overview of Today’s Tutorial Researching careers Assignment 1- A Career Investigation
UL Careers Service Researching Careers Brainstorm- What careers are of interest to you? Where might you find information on these careers? (Individually 5 min, group discussion min)
UL Careers Service Finding Careers Information Careers Service Resource Area: Access to computers, brochures,career booklets, employer info, postgrad study Irish Career Websites Maynooth Virtual Careers Library (excellent resource) (leading UK graduate careers website) Talk to people working in different areas Careers Advisors can help
UL Careers Service Assignment Details Assignment 1: A Career Investigation words: Due…… Choose a career you’re interested in Find out as much as you can about it –Entry requirements –Will you need to do further training? –Location? Money? What will you need to succeed in this area? (develop new skills, get relevant experience) Any restrictions? (Can’t leave local area, can only work part time, don’t want to do further study etc)
UL Careers Service Next Two Weeks 5 min presentation to group on career of your choice.