What NEC Did Engineered a two-state system Initialized the system Formed a superposition state Allowed the system to evolve Stopped the evolution Read out the final state
The Box The box is 700x50x15nm; It has about 10 8 conduction electrons. e 2 /2C = 117 V; T=30mK, so kT = 3 V; for aluminum, =230 V
Scope of Talk Tunneling The wave function Josephson’s equations and the squid The Cooper pair box Schrodinger equation solution Josephson quasiparticle current
Josephson’s Equations
Energy in a Junction. Finally, where
Squid Figure 6.1: Schematic of a two-junction squid. Current enters at the top, splits into two branches, and recombines at the bottom. The junctions are at a-b and d-c. A magnetic field B threads the loop formed by the two branches. The integration path is denoted C.
Energy of a Squid
Cooper Pair Box VgVg Box Capacitor Junction RjRj CgCg Box, CjCj VgVg
Energy of the Box
Hamiltonian To arrive at the quantum mechanical Hamiltonian, note that These two exponents are just raising and lowering operators. H can be rewritten:
Hamiltonian For our system, we can safely consider only the two lowest energy states, In that case,
Josephson Quasiparticle Current Figure 9.1: The double junction Cooper pair box. Junction 2 has very high impedance, has very low critical current, and is voltage biased. Capacitor Junctions VgVg VbVb Box 1 2 V b =650 V, E C =117 V, and R 2 =30M qp =1.6 x 10 8 sec -1, the lifetime is about 6ns. (Averin and Aleshkin)