Chem 3550 Lecture 10/18/2006 Chapter 14: Basic Concepts of Cellular Metabolism and Bioenergetics
Metabolism in Heterotrophic Cells
Multienzyme systems in metabolic pathways (Metabolons)
Structure of ATP
Catabolism of Ethanol (Biochemical Redox)
Group-Transfer Reaction -Phosphoryl transfer to ATP, Kinases catalyse similar reactions
Transfer of Acyl group
Hydrolysis Reactions
Nonhydrolytic Cleavage
Isomerization and Rearrangement Reactions
Bond formation (Ligation) -Uses ATP
Some Metabolic Reactions
Gibbs Free Energy(∆G) G = H - TS ∆G = ∆H - T∆S If ∆G is less than 0 (negative), the reaction is exergonic(spontaneous), energy released If ∆G is 0, reaction is at equilibrium If ∆G is greater than 0(positive), reaction is endergonic (Non spontaneous), energy consumed
Standard Free Energy ( ∆G o’ ) and K eq ∆G o’ = RT log K eq
Energy from ATP