Child and Family Outcomes Chapter 15: Discussion Facilitator Exit Information
Introduction NYSDOH is charged with reporting progress of children receiving early intervention services related to three specific outcomes In addition to facilitating the discussion at the initial IFSP meeting, the child’s service coordinator or a designee is responsible for facilitating the discussion when the child exits early intervention services in order to complete the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF)
Introduction Child outcomes information is collected on children in the sample who are found eligible for the early intervention program and receive an IFSP Children in the sample who receive these services for at least six months will have another COSF completed upon their exit from the early intervention program. This form is termed the Exit COSF.
Steps in the Process Provide parents and service providers with information in advance Brief overview (use provided packets) Introduce the three child outcomes Describe information being collected Explain how often information is collected Emphasize that information collected does not affect eligibility for services
Steps in the Process Introduce the purpose of the Exit COSF during the transition planning meeting Summarize child’s current skills related to each outcome Identify information to be reviewed Consider age-appropriateness of current skills and child’s typical functioning Provide group ratings of current skills
Steps in the Process Complete the Exit COSF Discuss child’s current skills and abilities Service providers must submit either: Developmental Milestones - Service Provider Edition Service Provider Summary - Federal Child Functional Outcome Areas Parents may complete the Developmental Milestones Checklist - Parent Edition Rate each outcome area using 7 point scale
Steps in the Process Complete the Exit COSF (continued) If participants disagree, use the developmental milestones chart to aid the discussion If agreement cannot be reached, each participant may complete his/her own Exit COSF Be sure to complete all sections of the Exit COSF
Tips for Success When completing Exit COSF, note type of assessment used Standardized or norm-referenced tests Criterion-referenced tests Consider the three functional outcomes rather than discrete developmental domains
Decision Tree
After the Meeting Make a copy of the Exit COSF and file in the child’s record Turn the Exit COSF into designee Ensure that forms are handled promptly and properly in order to ensure confidentiality
Frequently Asked Questions Are the parent packet materials available in Spanish? Yes, they are available in English and Spanish only.
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