A Community Nutrition Assessment in Delridge and White Center.


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Presentation transcript:

A Community Nutrition Assessment in Delridge and White Center


Life Expectancy King Co.SouthDelridgeWhite Center

Maternal and Child Health King Co.SouthDelridgeWhite Center

Deaths from Chronic Disease King Co.SouthDelridgeWhite Center


Access to care

Leisure Physical Activity

Adult Obesity

Adult Overweight

Household Food Security Risk Factor Index: income < 185% poverty; children; African- American or Hispanic; single mother; rents ocuments/AFPCFoodAccessIssueP aperNo.4_000.pdf

Purpose of Assessment: The purpose of this document is to give the KCFFI* leadership and community partners a neighborhood level description and analysis of existing conditions in the food and fitness environments of the Delridge and White Center neighborhoods to help answer questions that may arise as initiative participants develop the KCFFI community action plan in *King County Food and Fitness Initiative

Assessment Components Surveys Interviews Resources Geographic relationships

Surveys 50 surveys completed: –21 at Jubilee Days –24 at the West Seattle Food Bank –5 at the White Center Food Bank Purpose: to gather basic information about residents’ personal interaction with and opinions about their local food system and built environment

Where do you usually get your food?

How do you travel to do your food shopping?

Do you shop at the grocery store that is closest to you?

Key Informant Interview Results A common transportation theme in Delridge was the lack of grocery stores within walking or bicycling distance. Several neighborhood residents at Delridge Days lamented this absence, with one stating, “Delridge needs a walkable/bikeable grocery store! Someone please help!” Another individual suggested the creation of a “Delridge Commons,” with a grocery store, at the Boren School.

Key Informant Interview Results key barriers to healthy eating = time, cost and motivation What should be done? –create positive community norms promoting healthy eating and physical activity –raise awareness & educate –increase access to affordable healthy foods and physical activity resources Specific program ideas: nutrition and cooking classes, community kitchens, community gardens, school-based nutrition education and increase healthy eating options for youth, events for diverse populations (e.g., walking groups, sports leagues, intramural sports, non-sports team activities), and addressing safety concerns (e.g., more and/or improved sidewalks, cleaning up I_000.pdf

BENCHMARKING ACCESS TO FOOD SOURCES AND PYSICAL ACTIVITY FACILITIES August 2009, URBAN FORM LAB; University of Washington Department of Urban Design and Planning sandPhysicalActivityFacilities_000.pdf Food & Nutrition Resources –Stores –Restaurants –P-Patch Gardens –CSAs –Farmers Markets –Food Banks –Community Nutrition Programs

Quality of Food Retail Outlets in Delridge Access to Healthy and Less Healthy Food Options In a Low-Income, Racially Diverse Seattle Neighborhood. Sara Coulter, convenience stores, 1 grocery store

Type of Food Variables Measured Availability PriceQuality AbsoluteComparative Milk: skim/low-fat versus wholeXX Fruit (fresh): 10 typesXXX Vegetables (fresh): 10 typesXXX Ground beef: lean versus regularXX Hot dogs: low-fat versus regularXX Frozen dinners: reduced calorie versus regularXX Beverages:Soda: diet/low-calorie versus regular Fruit juice: 100% juice versus regular juice drinks XXXX XXXX Baked goods: lower fat versus regularXX Bread: 100% whole grain versus refinedXX Snack chips: baked/low-fat versus regularXX Cereal: low-sugar versus regularXX NEMs S

Availability of Healthy Foods in Delridge Food Outlets Availability score of 0 = no healthy NEMs foods available Score of 30 = all NEMs healthy foods available

Walkability to Food Sources

Food Sources Near Schools

Walkability to Physical Activity Opportunities

P-Patch Gardens

Community Supported Agriculture Programs

Food Banks

Farmers Markets

Community Nutrition Programs Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle Lettuce Link Master Gardner/composter program SCCC: Sustainable Agricultural Education Program Seattle Tilth Seattle Youth Garden Works