Gordon Stringer, UCCS1 Regression Analysis Gordon Stringer
Gordon Stringer, UCCS2 Regression Analysis Regression Analysis: the study of the relationship between variables Regression Analysis: one of the most commonly used tools for business analysis Easy to use and applies to many situations
Gordon Stringer, UCCS3 Regression Analysis Simple Regression: single explanatory variable Multiple Regression: includes any number of explanatory variables.
Gordon Stringer, UCCS4 Regression Analysis Dependant variable: the single variable being explained/ predicted by the regression model (response variable) Independent variable: The explanatory variable(s) used to predict the dependant variable. (predictor variable)
Gordon Stringer, UCCS5 Regression Analysis Linear Regression: straight-line relationship Form: y=mx+b Non-linear: implies curved relationships, for example logarithmic relationships
Gordon Stringer, UCCS6 Data Types Cross Sectional: data gathered from the same time period Time Series: Involves data observed over equally spaced points in time.
Gordon Stringer, UCCS7 Graphing Relationships Highlight your data, use chart wizard, choose XY (Scatter) to make a scatter plot
Gordon Stringer, UCCS8 Scatter Plot and Trend line Click on a data point and add a trend line
Gordon Stringer, UCCS9 Scatter Plot and Trend line Now you can see if there is a relationship between the variables. TREND uses the least squares method.
Gordon Stringer, UCCS10 Correlation CORREL will calculate the correlation between the variables =CORREL(array x, array y) or… Tools>Data Analysis>Correlation
Gordon Stringer, UCCS11 Correlation Correlation describes the strength of a linear relationship It is described as between –1 and +1 -1 strongest negative +1 strongest positive 0= no apparent relationship exists
Gordon Stringer, UCCS12 Simple Regression Model Best fit using least squares method Can use to explain or forecast
Gordon Stringer, UCCS13 Simple Regression Model y = a + bx + e (Note: y = mx + b) Coefficients: a and b Variable a is the y intercept Variable b is the slope of the line
Gordon Stringer, UCCS14 Simple Regression Model Precision: accepted measure of accuracy is mean squared error Average squared difference of actual and forecast
Gordon Stringer, UCCS15 Simple Regression Model Average squared difference of actual and forecast Squaring makes difference positive, and severity of large errors is emphasized
Gordon Stringer, UCCS16 Simple Regression Model Error (residual) is difference of actual data point and the forecasted value of dependant variable y given the explanatory variable x. Error
Gordon Stringer, UCCS17 Simple Regression Model Run the regression tool. Tools>Data Analysis>Regression
Gordon Stringer, UCCS18 Simple Regression Model Enter the variable data
Gordon Stringer, UCCS19 Simple Regression Model Enter the variable data y is dependent, x is independent
Gordon Stringer, UCCS20 Simple Regression Model Check labels, if including column labels Check Residuals, Confidence levels to displayed them in the output
Gordon Stringer, UCCS21 Simple Regression Model The SUMMARY OUTPUT is displayed below
Gordon Stringer, UCCS22 Simple Regression Model Multiple R is the correlation coefficient =CORREL
Gordon Stringer, UCCS23 Simple Regression Model R Square: Coefficient of Determination =RSQ Goodness of fit, or percentage of variation explained by the model
Gordon Stringer, UCCS24 Simple Regression Model Adjusted R Square = 1- (Standard Error of Estimate) 2 /(Standard Dev Y) 2 Adjusts “R Square” downward to account for the number of independent variables used in the model.
Gordon Stringer, UCCS25 Simple Regression Model Standard Error of the Estimate Defines the uncertainty in estimating y with the regression model =STEYX
Gordon Stringer, UCCS26 Simple Regression Model Coefficients: –Slope –Standard Error –t-Stat, P-value
Gordon Stringer, UCCS27 Simple Regression Model Coefficients: –Slope = –Standard Error = –t-Stat = 63.11/15.94 = 3.96; P-value =.0005
Gordon Stringer, UCCS28 Simple Regression Model y = mx + b Y= a + bX + e Ŷ = 56, (Sq ft) + e If X = 2,500 Square feet, then $213,879 = 56, (2,500)
Gordon Stringer, UCCS29 Simple Regression Model Linearity Independence Homoscedasity Normality
Gordon Stringer, UCCS30 Simple Regression Model Linearity
Gordon Stringer, UCCS31 Simple Regression Model Linearity
Gordon Stringer, UCCS32 Simple Regression Model Independence: –Errors must not correlate –Trials must be independent
Gordon Stringer, UCCS33 Simple Regression Model Homoscedasticity: –Constant variance –Scatter of errors does not change from trial to trial –Leads to misspecification of the uncertainty in the model, specifically with a forecast –Possible to underestimate the uncertainty –Try square root, logarithm, or reciprocal of y
Gordon Stringer, UCCS34 Simple Regression Model Normality: Errors should be normally distributed Plot histogram of residuals
Gordon Stringer, UCCS35 Multiple Regression Model Y = α + β 1 X 1 + … + β k X k + ε Bendrix Case
Gordon Stringer, UCCS36 Regression Modeling Philosophy Nature of the relationships Model Building Procedure –Determine dependent variable (y) –Determine potential independent variable (x) –Collect relevant data –Hypothesize the model form –Fitting the model –Diagnostic check: test for significance