Landscapes in Indiana Dunes Landscape features are dynamic and can be dated: 100s – 1000s of years for dunes 10s – 100s of years for blowouts Big blowout ~ 150 years old
Chloroplast coverage and polymorphisms Position (kb) Chloroplas t Genome Coverage
Chloroplast phylogeny Neighbor joining tree based on 140kb Named haplogroups have >50% bootstrap Unfilled lines indicate low-coverage sample
Chloroplast phylogeny
Nuclear genome: Multidimensional scaling ~11000 nuclear loci, mean of 100 random allele samples
Nuclear loci: Structure analysis Bayesian clustering algorithm ~11000 nuclear loci, random allele sample, Burn-in 10K, Run 10K
Ecotypic diversity in switchgrass Switchgrass and other wide-ranging grassland species have many ecotypes Great variability in size, shape, color, and habitat preference Example: Upland/lowland divergence Upland (Michigan) Lowland (Oklahoma) Adapted to: Shorter growing season, Drier climates Adapted to: Long growing season, Wet climates
Reconstructed grassland experiments at Fermilab ( ) Two experiments on diversity vs. ecosystem service relationships: 1.Field trial: Genetic diversity Species diversity Functional diversity +/- nitrogen input 2.Plot experiment: Genetic diversity (++) Species diversity
Field trial: Experimental design TreatmentRationale KA Kanlow cultivar (OK)Lowland SG cultivar CR Cave-in-Rock cultivar (IL/KY) Upland SG cultivar SL Southlow ecopool (MI) Local SG ecopool SG 3 SG mixedHigh diversity SG BB 3 SG mix + 3 Big Bluestem Warm season mix CW 3 SG mix + Canada Wildrye Warm season + cool season PR 3 SG mix + 3 Big Bluestem + Canada Wildrye + Indiangrass + 3 legumes + 5 other forbs Prairie mix Diversity Plant treatments X N fertilization (+/-) 42 x 720m 2 plots on a 10 acre site:
Biomass yield (Fall rd year) N-FertilizedControl N fertilization: 60 lbs/acres of urea
Ecotype diversity experiment 1-SG 6-SG 6-BB 3-BB+ 3-SG 4 -SG 4 -BB 2 -BB+ 2-SG 2 -BB 1 -BB+1 -SG 1-BB Genetic diversity Mix _ + SpeciesCultivarOrigin Switchgrass Kanlow Oklahoma (Lowland) Cave-In-RockIllinois/Kentucky SouthlowS Michigan (Ecopool) Blackwell N Oklahoma Forestburg Central South Dakota Sunburst SE South Dakota DacotahNorth Dakota Big Bluestem Southlow S Michigan (Ecopool) Rountree Iowa Epic Missouri PawneeSoutheast Nebraska Bonanza Selection from Pawnee Champ Sand Bluestem hybrid (NE/IA) Suther North Carolina 1) 14 grass varieties 2) 4 levels of diversity
Ecotype diversity effects
Genetic diversity in switchgrass mixtures