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Try out system for its new building Times bank building depend on distributing of air particular and quantity of natural lighting, where if natural lighting increase, unnatural lighting equaled for building. Distributing income control lighting system for all building (for connecting all parts of building, rooms, halls, offices...etc in the same lighting system for save the building security). Invisible ray in night when lighting or electric circle interrupted due to increasing in temperature or lighting make alarm. Suzan barady analyze lighting in labs depending on distribution of temperature indoor, lighting levels, and reflectivity according to increase or decrease of sun’s intensity.
The mock-up replicates the southwest corner of The Times’ planned building.
During sunset, its glass-and-ceramic rods facade is awash in a colorful glow.
UVGI for improving indoor air quality By Ted Smally Bowen With using lamps (UVGI),it is lamps in air ducts which radiate ultraviolet germicidal irradiation. This producer can used in hospital, houses, industrials.. etc for clean its space. A study led by McGill University of Montreal suggests that mounting UVGI lamps in air ducts can improve the health of a building’s occupants. UVGI technology has attracted renewed interest from scientists and public health officials, who suggest it may be effective in treating drug-resistant tuberculosis and SARS and could figure in bioterrorism-preparedness scenarios.
Researchers surveyed 771 workers in several Montreal office buildings over a nearly one-year period. hey installed UVGI lamps in the ducts of the buildings. They notes after four weeks abut 20% drop in “building-related” symptoms (e.g., headaches, fatigue, skin irritation, and respiratory problems) among study subjects when the lamps were on. Allergy symptoms in some subjects dropped by as much as 40 percent.
bacteria and particles which settle on the walls and floors of a building
Microturbines By Lindsay Audin Microturbines make cheap, clean energy from waste heat. Diesel generators work for reducing peak loads and improving the security of the energy grid, but it consider nuisances like fuel storage, fire-safety concerns, and emissions permits. And it cause risk on environment and buildings. Microturbines solution all this problems. Microturbines are small, taking up a footprint about a yard square. They don’t generate stand-alone power, but use waste heat from high-pressure or district steam systems to produce energy. More than 100 U.S. cities and many multibuilding facilities such as colleges are served by steam systems. With federal and state energy agencies offering grants to offset installation costs, microturbines could pave the way to a cleaner, energy-efficient future.