SSSA Board Retreat August 9-10, 2006 Headquarters, Madison, WI Sustaining SSSA Success – Vision Planning
The objectives of the retreat were two-fold: first, to visit headquarters and introduce the Board representatives to the staff, second to develop a strategic plan that involves “vision planning” rather than “management planning”.
The Relationship of Vision, Strategies, Plans, and Budgets Leadership Creates (2006) Management Creates (2004) Vision Strategies Plans Budgets A sensible and appealing picture of the future A logic for how the vision can be achieved Specific steps and timetables to implement the strategies Plans converted into financial projections and goals Reference: Leading Change, J.P. Kotter
SSSA Board Discussed Where is SSSA going? Its future direction. Why is it going there? Its reason for existence and core purpose. How will it get there? What must we do in the future to be successful?
The strategic planning session were broken into three sections – –strategic assumptions, –long-range strategic planning horizon, – three-to-five year strategic planning horizon.
By 2011 SSSA will have increased membership that is very diverse. significantly expanded its certification program. a new name (e.g. Soil Science Society, Inc.). developed a closer relationship with education (K-12, high school, Universities) to develop a soil science interest and curriculum. increased its continuing education programs. received significant financial endowments and gifts.
By 2011 SSSA will have achieved significant international growth. additional societies as part of its unified organization with ASA and CSSA. received awards, citations and increased recognition for its publications. increased its capability and activities to position itself as a powerful advocate for the advancement of soil science. increased input into research priorities. expanded recognition, positive branding and media attention.
The Goals (not in any specific order) SSSA will be the indispensable resource for enhanced programs and services to its members. SSSA will be the resource for enhanced programs and services to practicing soil scientists and associated professionals. SSSA will be recognized as the most powerful advocate for soil science.
The Goals SSSA will be financially secure and capable to carry out its strategic direction and vision. SSSA will partner in a coalition of scientific societies to advance sustainability. SSSA will be known for its innovative infrastructure that advances and sustains its success.
Task Forces These goals are being addressed as Task Forces One Task Force has been established: SSSA will be recognized as the most powerful advocate for soil science. Other Task Forces are being established.
SSSA will be recognized as the most powerful advocate for soil science. John Havlin, Chair
Strategies Education –(High) Organize a strategy session to develop plans for incorporating soil science into university curriculums (core courses). – (High) Contact NASULGC to establish a strategy session to address the decline in soil science positions in academia (university– wide). –(Medium) Develop and design K-12 curriculum resources.
Policy –(Medium) Contact (using the House Soils Caucus) government agencies to begin to address the decline in soil science positions.
Milestones: An increase in: K-12th grade curriculum resources. the recognition of soil science and the critical importance of the resource by government and agencies worldwide.
An increase in the number of: soil science positions across academia worldwide. universities with soil science curriculums. academic institutions that recognize soil science as a stand alone science and career field.
Envision the Future (3-5 yrs) All 50 states have passed legislation registering soil scientists to perform activities that had been previously preformed by engineers and geologists. It has been announced at the 75 th anniversary of SSSA in 2011, that we now have 10,000 members. Universities are once again naming departments “Soil Science” and hiring soil science faculty due to the growth in students. Successful introduction of soils courses in both rural and urban public school systems, as well as required soils courses for all university students in natural resource and environmental science majors.
Envision the Future Federal and state public policy makers seek out the Soil Science Society (new name) on all soils related information. I did see USA Today as well as “Good Morning America” news crews interviewing the President. Next year, we look forward to attending the SSSA International annual meeting in Brazil. How do you envision the future of SSSA?