METR 215 Advanced Physical Meteorology- Lecture 1: Green-sheet and Introduction Professor Menglin Susan Jin San Jose State University, Department of Meteorology and Climate Science
Outline of today’s lecture 1.Introduction and Welcome 2.Discussion on the “greensheet” 3.Learning Contract 4.First glance on class roadmap 5.Survey
New Class Schedule
For greensheet, class ppt notes, homework, reading materials
About Professor to be an effective teacher 3. Research projects: funded by NASA, NSF, Department of Defense On land surface climate change, urbanization, remote sensing 20 leading author papers on top journals
Goal of METR215 METR215 discusses the fundamentals of Thermodynamics Cloud microphysics Aerosol-cloud interaction Atmospheric Electricity Observations Important papers
Content (see greensheet schedule) Part 1: Thermodynamics 1. The Gas Laws 2. The Hydrostatic Equation 3. The First Law of Thermodynamics 4. Adiabatic Processes 5. Water Vapor in Air 6. Static Stability 7. The Second Law of Thermodynamics Part 2: CLOUD Macrophysics and Microphysics Cloud Modeling Part 3: Atmospheric Aerosols Part 4. Lightning and Atmospheric Electricity
Book and Reading: 1988 A Short Course in Cloud Physics by Rogers and Yau (Required) 2006 Wallace and Hobbs Atmospheric Science (Recommended) more materials will be assigned on webpage/homework/class
Lecture Hour: TTh 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM (to be changed!) Place: DH615 Office Hour: 10:30 PM ‐ 11:30 PM, Wednesday 12:00-13:00 Tuesday Place: MSJ’s Office (DH621) METR215 I will meet with you for extra office hour whenever you need. send for appointment.
Homework: 20% Midterm Exam 1: 15% Midterm Exam 2: 15% Class Participation 5% Research Project: 20% Final Exam: 25% Scale: 90+ A, 80’s B, 70’s C, 60’s D, <60 F Homework will be assigned on Tuesdays in class collected in discussions on two weeks later.
Learning Contract Instructor –On time and prepared. –Answers questions. –Approachable and friendly. –Fair with assignments and grades. –Genuinely concerned about your learning and intellectual development.
Learning Contract Students –Make every effort to arrive on time; and if late, enter class quietly. – Preserve a good classroom learning environment by a) refraining from talking when other people are talking b) turning off cell phones. –Be courteous to other students and the instructor. –Aware that learning is primarily their responsibility. –Aware of universities policy on academic integrity and pledge to abide by them at all times. –Have read and understand what plagiarism is and know how to cite sources properly.
Academic Integrity Integrity of university, its courses and degrees relies on academic standards. Cheating: –Copying from another’s test, cheatsheet etc. –Sitting an exam by, or as, a surrogate. –Submitting work for another Plagiarism: –Representing the work of another as one’s own (without giving appropriate credit)
Plagiarism Judicial Affairs Look at the Student Code of Conduct Read through SJSU library site on Plagiarism
GreenSheet (see handout) Homework turn-in on time, will be stated in the homework, in general, 1 week after the assignment Class Participation Research Project Final grade
Let’s see where this class stands in the big picture…..
One World
Atmosphere Composition and Structure
Table 1: Composition of the Atmosphere Gas Percentage by Volume Nitrogen78.08 Oxygen Argon 0.93 Trace Gases Carbon dioxide Methane Ozone Chlorofluorocarbons Water vaporHighly variable (0-4%)
Vertical Layers of the Lower Atmosphere
Pressure in the Atmosphere Atmospheric pressure can be imagined as the weight of the overlying column of air.weight pressure decreases exponentially with altitude. but 80 percent of the atmosphere’s mass is contained within the 18 kmmass closest to the surface. measured in millibars (mb) At sea level, pressure ranges from about 960 to 1,050 mb, with an average of 1,013 mb.
Observed temperature changes Cooling due to Mt. Pinatubo Warming due to El Niño Cooling due to La Niño
Although both nitrogen and oxygen are essential to human life on the planet, they have little effect on weather and other atmospheric processes. The variable components, which make up far less than 1 percent of the atmosphere, have a much greater influence on both short-term weather and long-term climate. For example, variations in water vapor in the atmosphere are familiar to us as relative humidity. Water vapor, CO2, CH4, N2O, and SO2 all have an important property: they absorb heat emitted by the earth and thus warm the atmosphere,heat creating what we call the "greenhouse effect." Without these so-called greenhouse gases, the surface of the earth would be about 30 degrees Celsius cooler - too cold for life to exist as we know it. Global warming, on the other hand, is a separate process that can be caused by increased amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
1. Evaporation, transpiration (plants) 2. Atmospheric transport (vapor) 3. Condensation (liquid water, ice) 4. Precipitation 5. Surface transport (continental rivers, aquifers and ocean currents) Earth’s Hydrological Cycle - Schematic PHYS Clouds, spring ‘04, lect. 1, Platnick
Clouds - The “Wet” Aerosol A cloud definition: visible suspension of water and/or ice particles in the atmosphere. –Key word is visible, but not quantitative. Example, “sub-visual cirrus” (observed through non-visible, non-passive sensors/imagers or lidars). Cloud physics: branch of physical meteorology, study of cloud formation (macrophysical & microphysical), lifecycles, precipitation, radiation, etc. –Macrophysical: larger scale spatial information, total/column water amounts, etc. –Microphysical: thermodynamic phase, size distribution, ice particle shape (habit), water content, etc. PHYS Clouds, spring ‘04, lect. 1, Platnick
Why Clouds? Weather –Dynamics: Latent heat and/or radiative effects impacting atmospheric stability/instability, atmospheric heating/cooling –Radiation (e.g., surface heating) Chemical processes Climate –General circulation –Hydrological cycle –Radiation budget Clouds are a critical component of climate models (for reasons cited above) and therefore also to climate change studies Not well-represented in climate models Climate change: cloud-climate feedback, cloud-aerosol interactions (to be discussed), etc. PHYS Clouds, spring ‘04, lect. 1, Platnick
Earth’s Radiation Budget - Schematic
PHYS Clouds, spring ‘04, lect. 1, Platnick
Cloud-aerosol interactions ex.: ship tracks (27 Jan. 2003, N. Atlantic) MODIS (MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)
Cold front - steep frontal slopes Warm front - shallow frontal slopes Convective development (mesoscale, local) Synoptic development PHYS Clouds, spring ‘04, lect. 1, Platnick
Review of Basic Concepts –see handout System Surroundings Open system Close system Property of System State of System Extensive property Intensive property Homogeneous system Heterogeneous system Equilibrium