The Tabernacle Hebrew word meant “tent” Very costly, expensive, portable Acacia Wood Structure Covered with much Gold, Silver, Bronze Specially woven coverings.


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Presentation transcript:

The Tabernacle God’s Dwelling Place among the Israelites Exodus 25-31; 35-39

The Tabernacle Hebrew word meant “tent” Very costly, expensive, portable Acacia Wood Structure Covered with much Gold, Silver, Bronze Specially woven coverings of expensive blue, purple and scarlet cloth, fine linen Goat hair, ram skin, badger or seal skin

The Tabernacle Offerings for Ephod and Breastpiece Gem stones: onyx, oil, spices

The Tabernacle and Furniture consisted of: tent, covering, hooks, boards, bars, pillars, sockets, Ark, poles, Mercy Seat, tables, utensils, Curtains, lamps, screen, altar, basin, hangings, pegs, Priestly Garments

Why Study the Tabernacle Concept and arrangement of tabernacle foreshadows NT scheme of redemption. Book of Hebrews relies upon tabernacle worship. Tabernacle was God’s dwelling Place among Israel.

Preparation for Tabernacle Ex. 25:1-9, 31:1-11, 35:4-36:7 God commands an offering “From every man whose heart moves him” “Sanctuary, that I may dwell among them” To be constructed “according to the pattern” provided by God. People brought brooches, earrings, bracelets, woven cloths, linens, skins, stones, oil, spices More than enough was given. Word had to be send out to stop.

Preparation for Tabernacle Ex. 25:1-9, 31:1-11, 35:4-36:7 Call for Skillful Men to come work

Preparation for Tabernacle Ex. 25:1-9, 31:1-11, 35:4-36:7 Call for Skillful Men to come work Two particular skilled Craftsmen Chosen Filled with God’s Spirit and Wisdom. Bezalel of Judah: Artistic Designs in gold, wood carving, cutting stones, Oholiab of Dan also chosen: Both: embroidery, engraving, design, weaving, etc. Ability to teach others.

. 15’ 15’ 45’ 30’ 150’ 75’

. 15’ 15’ S 20 boards on north 20 boards on south N 8 boards on east 48 total boards Made of Acacia Wood Overlaid with Gold S N 15’ 15’ 45’ 100 silver sockets (96 for boards) (4 for interior posts) Wt. 75 pounds 27”

Coverings Innermost: Fine linen, white, with cherubim woven with blue, purple and scarlet 2nd: Goats hair (possibly black) 3rd: Rams skin Outer: Skin of Seal, Porpoise or some aquatic animal Held in place by pegs and Ropes. No mention of a Ridge pole to provide a peak.

Veil Separated Holy Place and Most Holy Place Made of fine linen. Cherubim woven of blue, purple and scarlet. Suspended from hooks of gold upon four poles. No height dimensions. Likely no higher than arms reach (because Priests would unhook it).

Entrance Curtain Made of fine linen. Intermingled with blue, purple and scarlet. Suspended from hooks of gold upon five poles. Poles sat in sockets made of bronze.

Courtyard 150’ X 75’ X 7.5’ Tabernacle was twice as high, so it could be seen outside the courtyard. Walls made of finely woven white linen. Suspended from silver rods and silver hooks, on posts set in bronze sockets. 20 posts/sockets on north and south, 10 on east/west. Held by bronze pegs and ropes. Courtyard entrance on east side, with a curtainh made like the tabernacle curtain.

Tabernacle Worship Rules Atonement money: half-shekel paid by each person age 20 and older who were counted. To be used for the tabernacle service. Ex. 30: 11-16. Anointing Oil: Ingredients-myrrh, cinnamon, fragrant cane, cassia, olive oil. Used to anoint the tabernacle, its furnishings as well as priests. Not to be made by anyone else or used for any other purpose.

Priests Ex. 28, 39 Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, Ithamar selected to be Priests. Aaron to be High Priest. Priests served as mediators between the people and God.

Garments for Priests Ex. 28, 39 Linen Undergarment (Breeches, Britches). Reached from waist to thighs to cover nakedness. Could not enter tabernacle or approach altar without this garment on. Coat: of embroidered or checkered work. Fine linen, woven in a pattern.

Garments for Priests Ex. 28, 39 Robe: Blue. Strong band woven around the neck. Pomegranates of blue, purple, scarlet w/gold bells around hem. Bells would be heard. Ephod: Front and back flaps, joined on shoulders. Onyx stone fasted in a setting of gold on each shoulder piece. Stones had 12 tribes engraved. Fine linen with threads of gold, blue, purple, scarlet. Included a sash (or band) that was used to fasten it about the body. Two gold chains were fastened to shoulders, used to hold breastplate.

Garments for Priests Ex. 28, 39 Breastplate: Gold, blue, purple, scarlet. Fabric was folded double to form a pocket in which were kept the Urim and Thummim. Included four rows of three precious stones each. 12 tribes engraved on the stones. Two gold chains from ephod were fastened to the rings in the upper part of the breastplate. Unsure of what Urim and Thummim were. Thought to be stones. Used to inquire of God.

Garments for Priests Ex. 28, 39 Mitre (turban): Made of fine linen. Front had a gold plate with words “Holy to Jehovah”. Unsure of what Urim and Thummim were. Thought to be stones. Used to inquire of God. Sash (or girdle): of golden work.

Sacrifices Lev. 1-7; Num. 15 The use of Sacrifices go back to Cain and Abel. Not much is known of rules then, but some rules are inferred. (Gen 4, Heb. 11). Purposes included calling up God, covenant ratification, burnt offering. Little details concerning instructions for offering. However, the Law of Moses includes very specific instructions and different types of sacrifices for various purposes.

Sacrifices Lev. 1-7; Num. 15 It is not always possible or necessary to understand all of the reasons for the specifics rules and regulations regarding sacrifices. Little profit from speculation in most cases. But remember that God expected strict obedience. Why do we need to study? Various sacrifices referenced in other Bible stories. Will enhance our understanding. Association of sacrifices with atonement, penalty for sin is part of New Testament redemption.

Sacrifices Why Study? cont’d Levites and Priests had an important role in offering sacrifices. The half-shekel tax was used to fund some sacrifices. Flocks and herds were kept for specific types of sacrifices. Some sacrifices were provided by individuals. Rules were given concerning where the offerer stood, parts to be laid on fire, parts to be washed, portions given to Priests, ceremonial cleanliness. Principles of providing of the first and best (w/o defect) sets important principles for us today.

Types of Sacrifices Burnt (Hebrew “going up” ) Offering Animal. Included bullocks, sheep, goats, turtle doves, pigeons, other clean animals. Reason for the sacrifice dictated which animal was to be offered. Male without defect. Except for hide (priests portion) Animal was completely burned. Associated with complete dedication to God, atonement.

Types of Sacrifices Burnt (Hebrew “going up” ) Offering Offerer laid hands on animals head. Animal stood in place of offerer. Offerer killed and skinned the animal. Associated with complete dedication to God, atonement. Ashes taken outside the camp to a clean place. Additional rules, when offered for the congregation. None of the burnt offering to be eaten.

Types of Sacrifices Meal Offering (KJV “Meat”, but not animal) Usually accompanied other sacrifices. Required when animal sacrifices were given. Also included Drink Offerings. When offered, priest would take some flour and oil and burn as a memorial to the Lord. Various requirements for type of meal, ingredients to include/prohibit. Except for the part burned, given to Priest on most occasions. Additional regulations for when offered by Priest.

Types of Sacrifices Peace Offering (Hebrew “shelem”) Offered to obtain or signify peace between offerer and God. When combined with others sacrifices, order was Sin Offering, Burnt Offering, Peace Offering. Three types: Thanksgiving, Vow and Freewill

Types of Sacrifices Freewill and Vow Peace Offering Animal: Male or Female cattle, sheep or goats. Offerer laid hands on the animal and killed it. Priest sprinkled blood upon the altar. Offerer took fat from abdomen and breast or brisket and gave to the Lord. Wave-offering. Given to the Lord and provided back to the Priest. Parts left after burning,

Types of Sacrifices Freewill and Vow Peace Offering, cont’d Heave-offering. Thigh or Right leg ham lifted (or heave) from altar and given to High Priest. Parts left after burning were eaten by offerer and family, provided they were ceremonially clean. Could be kept and eaten the second, but not third day.

Types of Sacrifices Thanksgiving Offering Same animal instructions, but accompanied by unleavened cakes, wafers rubbed with oil, unleavened bread. Parts left after burning were eaten by offerer and family, provided they were ceremonially clean. One piece of each kind of bread was given to the Lord. Offerer (and family) could eat only on same day.

Types of Sacrifices Sin and Trespass Sacrifices Purpose was to make atonement for sin Shedding of the animal’s blood and death signified the penalty required of sin. Set forth God’s conditions for appeasement. Though a sense of forgiveness was provided by the sin offering, ultimate forgiveness obtained in Christ’s death (Heb. 9). Four categories: Priest (possibly just High Priest)

Types of Sacrifices Sin and Trespass Sacrifices Four categories: Priest (possibly just High Priest) Congregation Ruler Individual

Types of Sacrifices Sin Offering for Priest Young bullock w/o blemish, hand on head Blood sprinkled before the tabernacle veil, Blood rubbed on altar of incense Remaining blood poured out of base of Altar of Burnt Offering. None of the offering was eaten. Specifically required on Day of Atonement. Otherwise as needed.

Types of Sacrifices Sin Offering for Congregation Very similar rules to that for Priest Elders laid hands on animal’s head Times required: New Moons Feast of Unleavened Bread (each day) Feast of Weeks First day of Seventh Month Day of Atonement Feast of Tabernacles (each day) Anytime congregation was guilty of transgression.

Types of Sacrifices Sin Offering for Ruler Male Goat w/o blemish, hand on head Blood not brought into tabernacle. Smeared on horns, and poured out at base of Altar of Burnt offering. Similar to other sin offerings. No specific time required.

Types of Sacrifices Sin Offering for Individual Female Goat or Lamb. Blood not brought into tabernacle. Smeared on horns, and poured out at base of Altar of Burnt offering. Priests given a portion. Similar to other sin offerings. No specific time required.

Types of Sacrifices Trespass Offering. Special kind of sin offering required in certain situations. Additional notes: Day of Atonement Sins of Omission Willfull, deliberate sins not covered. Restitution

Types of Sacrifices Additional Rules Had to be taken to Tabernacle Nothing blemished Nothing obtained from a foreigner No animal less than 8 days old. Mother and offspring could not be offered on same day. Could not eat fat or blood.

Types of Sacrifices Additional Rules Firstfruits were to be offered. Tithe law. Priests provided for by use of some Sacrifies. No animal less than 8 days old. Mother and offspring could not be offered on same day. Could not eat fat or blood.