Production Database Solutions Senior Project Travis Harpenau
Introduction Older Databases Separated Programs dependent on computer systems New Movement Towards complete integration Cross platform Saas Software as a Solution
Specification Develop Generic Production Database System Able to dynamically add new information to the system Processes Products Customer Workers Contain information regarding current orders and how much work has been done on the orders Ease of use Should be its own black box (user don't need to understand how it does things, just what it does) Accept commands from either a keyboard or scanner device Must be accessible and useable via most operating system (primarily by a internet browser) Contain simple tools to aid the user in using the system COMMON JOBS Display where, how long, and by whom parts have be completed Inform users what needs to be done for a particular order Add/Remove new process, orders, and workers
Implementation details Programming PHP Website development Database Mysql Server Apache
Development Cycle First Stage DDevelopment of the backend database PPrototyped in Microsoft Access 2007 MMovement to actual Mysql Database Images table Separation of addresses
Second Stage DDesign and development of generic website IInitially to be written in Ruby on Rails, but moved to PHP
Third Stage BBuilding of a working model of the project SSimulated chair making company TThe Website
Cost and Requirement Creep No cost incurred Requirement creep Additional tables Change to PHP from Ruby on Rails
Results Starter solution for companies Future enhancements Security Additional imaging Scanner implementation