UQI116S3 Web-sites/Context Design Tutorial 7 Oct-8 Oct 2002 Look at the following slides as a Powerpoint presentation 10 of the slides are screen captures of Foreign Websites The intention is that you should not be able to understand the text and probably not the titles either. The aim of the tutorial is to try to work out what the contextual message is for each of the slides i.e. if your users cannot read or understand your text can they still gather sufficient information from all the other design features to know they want to use the site/software. Some of the slides shown here might be associated with each other. If you have NO IDEA what the “genre” of the website is, this may be significant. Therefore, try to guess what sort of organisation or company the site has been made for, what clues there were giving the nature of the organisation, whether the colour schemes appear suitable and/or attractive, and what problems you can see with making links to these sites and/or getting printouts of them and possible variations you might expect from changing browsers or monitors.
UQI116S3 Web-sites/Context Design Tutorial Compare the content of slides 13 to 16 which show the evolution of the UWE intranet site with slide 17, the external view of UWE, and the four external views of randomly selected UK universities (Bristol, Plymouth, Birmingham and Newcastle) on slide 18. What do these slides indicate about the approach to information provision? The identity of the university? The importance of images as opposed to text? The universities’ wider roles in society and the region? The format and layout of each site and What is possibly missing from the screen captures (anything?)
The motif is influenced by the types of work done atthis university: shows that it is principally involved with forestry and “wood science” University of West Hungary
October 2000
October 2001
February 2002
October 2002
October External view