H. Johnson - MSU Kretschmer, R., Kretschmer, L., & Truax, R. (1978). Language development and intervention with the hearing impaired. University Park Press: Baltimore, MD. –Ch. 6 – Educational Procedures –essential concept: language intervention techniques have mirrored our understanding of language development & use, i.e., historical focus upon language form, most recent focus upon language function as the determiner of form
H. Johnson - MSU essential progression of language intervention techniques that have been used in Deaf Ed. –The Wing Symbols (1833) –The Barry Five Slates (1899) –The Fitzgerald Key (1949) –The Natural Approach (1958) –The Patterning Approach (1958) –The Programmed Language Inst. Approach (1960) –The Behavior Modification Approach (1970) –Linguistically Based Approaches (1973) –Developmentally Based Language Inst. (1975)
H. Johnson - MSU major progression of information/instructional strategies represented by the Deaf Ed. language intervention techniques…
H. Johnson - MSU major progression… –Wing..Barry...Fitzgerald Approaches adult perspective of language knowledge & use increasingly complete and complex representations of the syntactical elements of language focus upon providing visual clues to what where considered to be the essential elements of language belief that if such elements could be seen, the underlying rules that governed their use could be understood and used to produce correct English
H. Johnson - MSU Natural Approach –based upon the normal developmental process and context of language –student vs. adult centered –language function driving language development –essential nature of conversational context and conversational use of language major progression…
H. Johnson - MSU major progression… Patterning...Programmed...Behavior Approaches –adult perspective of language –focus upon controlling the language models presented to the students –moving from simple to complex.....emphasis upon syntax and upon use of “teacher centered” and mechanical inst. strategies
H. Johnson - MSU Linguistically Based Approaches –focus upon semantics vs. syntactic & upon the use of language within the overall academic curriculum –used a student centered, language development orientation –goal for students to perceive and use the rules of English word selection and combinations –movement from simple phrases/sentences to complex combinations of those phrases/sentences into more adult like forms major progression…
H. Johnson - MSU...today, research would indicate that the most common approach used with d/hh students would be characterized as “eclectic,” i.e., a combination of several approaches
H. Johnson - MSU within this use, there has been a growing emphasis upon communicative function...this focus is represented within the work of: –Prutting, C.A. (1982) Pragmatic and social competence. Journal of Speech & Hearing Disorders, 44, –Fey, M. (1986). Language intervention with young children. San Diego, CA: College ‑ Press. –Tye-Murray, Nancy (Ed.) (1994). Let's converse: A "how-To" guide to develop and expand conversational skills of children and teenagers who are hearing impaired. Washington: AGBell Association.
H. Johnson - MSU Summary Information –Traditional Models of Language Intervention in Deaf Education Individual or small group setting using artificial situations Isolated linguistic constructs...little attention to interrelationship of constructs Intervention stresses modeling imitation, practice, and drill Little attention to use of language as a social tool during intervention Little opt. to dev. linguistic constructs not targeted for intervention Little opt. to interact w/ others during intervention