17-Oct-02http://tmf.gg.uwyo.edu The keys to rapid development and dissemination of multimedia-rich, inter- active Earth science learning applications: educational objects and synergy James D. Myers 1, Scott R. Linneman 2 & James E. McClurg 1 1 Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming 2 Geology Department, Western Washington University
Educational Objects: Definition software for education, training or expertise transfer characteristics: –discoverable –modular –interoperable can be combined to create new learning applications
Educational Objects: Classes exploratory modules visual components assessment tools virtual experiences electronic documents
Educational Objects: Exploratory Modules explore process, concept or event qualitative or quantitative interactive with differing levels of user control and input address variety of learning levels
Educational Objects: Exploratory Modules
Educational Objects: Visual Components graphic representation of the world –documentary –imagined illustrate time, motion and space –scope/scale/power introduce students to regions/processes outside personnel experience
Educational Objects: Visual Components
Educational Objects: Assessment Tools provide feedback to student & instructor summative or formative immediate learner feedback access all levels of learning employ multimedia tools can be: –deployed at any point in a learning application –mixed and matched to create quizzes & exams linked to other learning resources
Educational Objects: Assessment Tools traditional –T/F, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, ordering, matching electronic –drag and drop –hot spot –ConcepTests –Venn diagrams
Educational Objects: Virtual Experiences experience places, events and processes learner directed non-linear multiple-layers of information self-contained variable complexity
Educational Objects: Virtual Experiences variety of functions: –field trips –excursions –process investigations –regional tours –field projects –Earth system – human interactions –site visits
Educational Objects: Virtual Experiences
Educational Objects: Electronic Documents media-rich and interactive address different learning styles immediate feedback non-linear and learner directed employ: exploration, inquiry, observation built-in assessment
Educational Objects: Electronic Documents
types of electronic documents: –event descriptions –in-depth exercises –study guides –lecture notes –electronic textbooks –lab materials activity lab exercise lab manual
Educational Objects: Secondary Objects
Educational Objects: Virtual Experiences
Educational Objects: Electronic Documents
Using EOs to Create Learning Applications
Summary educational objects are standalone software “chunks” reused and recombined to produce learning applications two roles for educators –developers: creates primary objects –users: produce secondary objects Earth science needs object dissemination method