SOx dispersion over Northern Chile and Southern Peru July 20-August Looking for a suitable measuring sites Laura Gallardo
Model Set-up MATCH (Robertson et al, 1999): 3-D transport-chemistry-deposition model, in hybrid coordinates, off-line. Meteorological Fields (Gallardo et al, 2000; Gidhagen et al, 2002): dynamically interpolated ECMWF analysis fields. 0.1ºx0.1º horizontal resolution, 31 levels from surface to 20 hPa
Model set-up Chemistry and deposition as in Huneeus et al, 2006 S-SO 2 S-SO 4 Emissions (98%) Emissions (2%) Dry deposition Dry / wet deposition OH
Model set-up: Emissions
Surface Distribution SO2 vs SO4
Surface distribution (SOx)
Burden (DU of SO2) Too large a maximum?
Burden SOx in mgS/m**2
Average SOx deposition (mgS/m**2)
Time series at black dots
Michilla is too dirty!! Pisaguaoo dirty
Individual Time series Oceanic sites (open ocean) Coastal sites: on the coastal mountain range Altiplanic sites (high land) A polluted site: Calama, 16 km from Chuquicamata
To be continued Vertical distributions Met fields…CWC, Cloud cover, winds Comparison with available observations: WARNING just a few sites close to the pollution sources...quality some times questionable Other periods: –January 16-February –May 15-June –September 15-Octuber