Developing an Internship Program Gaining Student Skills, Energy, and Creativity
What is an internship? A temporary work experience wherein a student performs pre-professional work in support of an organizations goals.
Employer Benefits The talent of students educated in Nebraska colleges and universities New staff with a minimal learning curve New skills and ideas for the organization Enhanced campus and community public relations Potential candidates for full-time positions
Determining Intern Activities Areas in need of development Projects put on the back-burner Start to finish projects Examples include: –Design of promotional materials –User surveys, demographic surveys –Improvements to processes –Design and implementation of systems –Workshop development and delivery –Research projects and written reports
The Job Description The majority of an interns tasks should involve professional activities, providing the student a solid learning experience. A good job description will: –Outline responsibilities/activities –State required qualifications –Specify outcomes, deliverables –Identify learning opportunities for student –Describe compensation, benefits –Determine hours/time commitment
Supervising the Intern Employer determines reporting lines and direct supervisor Supervisors should be: – Enthusiastic about program – Willing and able to spend time with interns – Interested in teaching, working with interns – Knowledgeable in technical areas – Comfortable providing on-going feedback
Recruiting Interns Identify needs/opportunities within the organization Prepare internship job description Contact local NCCSA career center to advertise opportunity Receive and evaluate resumes of interested students Interview candidates of interest Offer position to selected candidate
Compensation –Although some students will accept unpaid internships, most partially fund their education and are unable to do so. –Typically Nebraska colleges and universities do not provide funding to employers to hire interns.
Academic Credit –Policies differ by institution, no guarantee intern will receive credit –Credit may or may not apply to overall graduation requirements –Most interns who receive academic credit will incur related tuition and fees
International Students –Most are eligible to work as a paid intern with minimal paperwork completed by the employer. – –Students coordinate their experience with their campus international affairs office.
Documenting the Internship A memorandum of understanding or agreement between the student and the organization Formal feedback in an evaluation
Developing an Internship Program Questions? Contact any NCCSA member