How Are Women Portrayed In The Media? And Is This A Potential Problem? 1.Why do we care 2.What are the implications 3.Who is effected and how
Elizabeth A. van Zoonen Women are mainly used in stories of family and home. When women are quoted in an interview they are given less time than men to speak. Women are continually being left out of news content.
Evidence in Amsterdam Women journalists only make up 12% of the population in print and broadcast media throughout Holland. Women journalists in Amsterdam are also underrepresented in ‘hard’ news stories. Compared with the U.S., the number of women in journalism in Holland are not increasing, while the percentages in the U.S. of women journalists have risen from 25% to 34% from the years 1972 to 1982.
Jane Rhodes Females working in journalism. How females are portrayed in news content. How these two factors might influence the future of the journalism profession
Personal Experience Sexual harassment. A Profound resentment at the presence of women in higher positions. Women of color.
Cory L. Armstrong Gender disparity within newspaper sources, story subject, and also the potential influences of the news content. Portrayal of women in news content has been found to begin with the writer. Women are rarely used in stories concerning issues of national or international importance.
Women working at USA TODAY in Copy/layout editors: 41.4% Reporters: 39.6% Editors: 34.2% Photographers: 26.1%