1 Phonetics Study of the sounds of Speech Articulatory Acoustic Experimental
2 Phonology The study of the sound patterns in languages Phonemes (vowels and consonants) Prosody (stress, rhythm and intonation)
3 Morphology The study of the structure of words
4 Syntax The study of the ways in which words combine into units such as Phrase, Clause and Sentence
5 Semantics The study of the meaning of words and sentences, their denotations, connotations, implications and ambiguities
6 Pragmatics Anything relating to the way in which people communicate that cannot be captured by conventional linguistic analysis, includes discourse analysis
7 Structure UsePragmatics Meaning (semantics) Grammar Medium of Transmission PhoneticsPhonologyMorphologySyntaxLexiconDiscourse Structure of Spoken Language (from Crystal 1997)