Epidemic Curves Sensitivity/Specificity
Epidemic Curve Time (since exposure) Number of New Cases
Notes on Epidemic Curves Sort by time to illness Think critically about the data (possible problems) Ask questions (or make assumptions) Similar to Survival Curve (see text, p492)
Survival from AIDS in Mths (p492 in text) Pt #Surv. Mths etc Hazard See Table 21.3 in Text (page 493) Survival Rate
Sensitivity/Specificity (p136 in text) Used in Screening or diagnostic Tests when there is a ‘gold standard’ Sensitivity: pr(+| ill) Specificity: pr(-| not ill) Suppose eating a food item is a ‘test’. If yes, the person should be ill. If no, not ill. Use ‘symptoms’ as the ‘gold standard’