Delay models in Data Networks Chapter 3 Delay models in Data Networks
Section 3.2 Little`s Theorem
3.2 Little`s Theorem : average number of customers in system : mean arrival rate T:mean time a customer spends in system
Little`s Theorem Proof N(t) = number of customers in system at time t (t) = number of customers who arrived in interval [0,t] Ti = time spent in system by the i-th customer
Little`s Theorem
Little`s Theorem
3.2.3 Application of Little`s Theorem Ex3.1 : arrival rate in a transmission line NQ : average number of packets waiting in queue W : average waiting time spent by a packet in queue NQ = W
Application of Little`s Theorem If = average Tx time = : Average number of packets under Tx I.e. fraction of time that s busy utilization factor
Application of Little`s Theorem Ex3.2 N : average number packets in network T : average delay per packet also Ti : average delay of packets arriving at node i
3.3 M/M/1 Queuing System M/M/1 First M : arrival , Poisson Second M : service , Exponential 1 : server number
M/M/1 Queuing System Arrival Poisson process A(t) : number of arrivals from 0 to time t Number of arrivals that occur in disjoint intervals are independent Number of arrivals in any interval of length is Poisson distributed with parameter ,
M/M/1 Queuing System Properties of Poisson process Inter arrival times are independent and exponentially distributed with parameter tn : time of the n-th arrival
M/M/1 Queuing System For every t0, 0
M/M/1 Queuing System A = A1+A2++AK is also Poisson with rate = 1+ 2++ K Poisson A1 merge A2 ……….. AK
M/M/1 Queuing System P 1-P Also Poisson with P split Poisson
M/M/1 Queuing System Service time : Exponential distribution with parameter Sn : service time of n-th customer
M/M/1 Queuing System Properties of Exponential : memoryless
Markov chain formulation Let's focus at the times,0,,2,…,k,… Nk = number of customers in system at time k = N(k) Where N(t) is continuous-time Markov Chain Nk is discrete-time Let Pij : transition probabilities = P{Nk+1=j|Nk=i}
Markov chain formulation
Markov chain formulation Note During any time interval, the total number of transitions from state n to n+1 must differ from the total number of transitions from n+1 to n by at most 1 I.e. frequency of transitions from n+1 to n = frequency of transitions from n to n+1
Markov chain formulation
Markov chain formulation Take ->0 Pn=Pn+1 Pn+1=Pn, n=0, 1, …等比數列 where = / utilization Pn+1= n+1P0, n=0,1,… Since <1, and
Markov chain formulation
M/G/1 System Let Ci : customer I Wi = waiting time of Ci Xi = service time of Ci Ni = # of customers found waiting in queue when Ci arrives Ri = residual service time of the customer in service when Ci arrives
M/G/1 System Ri Xi- Ni Xi-1 Ci start service Ni Ci arrives In steady-state,
M/G/1 System To calculate R, by graphical approach: Residual service time r() M(t)=# of service completion in [0, t] X1 X2 XM(t) Time X2 X1 XM(t) Ci starts service t
M/G/1 System Time avg of r() in [0, t]
M/G/1 System P-K Formula (3.53)
Ex3.15 Consider a go back n ARQ: sender 1 2 3 … n-1 n 1 time Timeout (n-1) frames 1 2 3 receiver time Prop. delay Assume that error in the forward channel is p, return channel is error-free Packet arrives as a Poisson process with rate packets/frame
Ex3.15 Service time X : from when a packet transmitted until it is successfully received 1 , if 1st tx is successful (1-p) X={ 1+n, if 1st tx is un- successful; 2nd is successful p(1-p) 1+kn, if 1st k is un- successful;(k+1)th successful Pk(1-p)
3.5.1 M/G/1 Queue with vacations When the server has served all customers, it goes on vacation If the system is still idle after a vacation interval, go on another vacation interval If a customer arrives during a vacation, customer waits until the end of vacation. Chapter 1 section 1.3.1 page 34in Network or Transport Layer
M/G/1 Queue with vacations
M/G/1 Queue with vacations Assume vacation intervals v1, v2… are iid and are independent of customers arrival & service times. →A customer must wait for the completion of the current service or vacation interval, and then the service of all customers waiting before it.
M/G/1 Queue with vacations Where R is the mean residual time for completion of service or vacation when the customer arrives.
M/G/1 Queue with vacations Let L(t) = # of vacations completed by t M(t) = # of services completed by t
Because Fraction of time occupied with vacation = 1-
Ex3.16 : FDM, SFDM, TDM m streams of traffic with rate /m(Poisson) FDM system – Divide available bandwidth into m subchannels. Transmission time for a packet on each of these subchannels is m.
Slotted FDM System Packet trans starts only at time m, 2m,…When the queue is idle, server takes a vacation of m. (if idle again after vacation, take another)
TDM System Look at SFDM queue, ->same queue WTDM=WSFDM
Summary Service time
Reservations & Polling Satellite Collision -> solution:polling or reservation … S1 D1 D1 S2 D2 S1 D1 D1 S2 D2 Cycle
Reservation & Polling M Poisson traffic streams with rate /m Gated System – only those packets which arrive prior to the user’s preceding reservation period are transmitted. Exhaustive system – all packets are transmitted including those that arrive during this data period Partially gated – all packets that arrive up to the beginning of the data interval.
Single-User Gated system: m=1 Di arrives Di starts Wi time S D D S D D … D Di ends tx Ri Vl(I) l(i)-th reservation interval Ni : # of packets arrive in front of Di
Single-User A reservation(vacation)starts when the system has served all packets which arrive prior to the preceding reservation interval. A vacation(M/G/1 queue with vacation) starts when the system has served all packets which have arrived.(corresponds to exhaustive system)
Single-User Single-user gated
Multi-User Packet i arrives Packet i starts Wi time S D D D … S D D … S D D Ri Pakcet i ends Ni Sum=Yi Ni is redefined as # of packets which must be transmitted before packet i
Multi-user Where Yi : includes all reservation intervals packet I must want for.
Multi-User If number the users 0, 1, 2,…,m-1, the l-th reservation interval is used to make reservation for user l mod m
Packet i belongs to each user with same prob. = 1/m Multi-user For an exhaustive system Let lj=E ( Yj | packet i arrives in user l’s reservation or data intervals and belongs to user (l+j) mod m) Packet i belongs to each user with same prob. = 1/m
Multi-user All users have equal average data length in steady state. P(packet i arrives during user l’s data interval) P(packet i arrives during user l’s reservation interval)
Multi-user (Yi|pkt i arrives in user l’s data or reser. int.) X P(pkt i arrives in user l’s reser. Or data int. )
Multi-user If Vl’s have same dist. Exhaustive system (3.69)
Multi-user - The partially gated system is the same as the exhaustive system except that if a packet arrives in its own user’s data interval (with prob. /m), it is delayed an extra cycle of reservation periods(mV) Y is increased by
Multi-user The fully gated system is the same as partially gated system except if a pkt arrives during a user’s own reservation interval (prob. (1-)/m) It is delayed by an additional mV Y is increased by
Priority Queuing N classes of customers class i arrives a Poisson process with rate I service time Each class joins a separate queue 1 Server 2
Priority Queuing Single server will server customers from the highest priority queue first Non-preemptive - a lower priority customer, once started, is allowed to finish, when a high priority customer arrives. Preemptive resume - Service for a low priority customer is interrupted when a high priority customer arrives and is resumed from the point of interruption when all higher priority customers have been served
Non-preemptive Let NQk=avg. # in queue for priority k Wk= avg. queueing time for priority k k = k/k = system utilization for priority k R = mean residual service time.
Non-preemptive Where 1W2 is the avg. # of higher priority customers that arrives while you are waiting
Non-preemptive Similarly,
Non-preemptive R=the residual time Where =2nd moment of the service time avg. over all priority
Non-preemptive 代入
Preemptive Note that Tk will not be affected by customers from class k+1 to n Work due to class 1 to k-1 who arrives when this customer is waiting (B) Unfinished work of Class 1 to k (A)