Graduate Study in Atmospheric Sciences at UW
Overview Classes & research Required core classes. Dynamic & synoptic meteorology Radiation Chemistry Cloud physics Physical meteorology Electives Classes & research Required core classes. Dynamic & synoptic meteorology Radiation Chemistry Cloud physics Physical meteorology Electives
Year One Develop the background to conduct research as soon as possible. Three graduate classes per quarter A/W/S. Full-time research during your first summer. Develop the background to conduct research as soon as possible. Three graduate classes per quarter A/W/S. Full-time research during your first summer.
Summer Research Focus of first summer research is to Identify a good research problem. Understand its relation to larger questions in atmospheric science. Construct a research plan. Preliminary research results are welcome, but secondary. Focus of first summer research is to Identify a good research problem. Understand its relation to larger questions in atmospheric science. Construct a research plan. Preliminary research results are welcome, but secondary.
End-of-Summer Colloquium Half-day meeting. Your first summer report is presented to Your fellow 1st year classmates The faculty The incoming class of new students Masters thesis proposal is due early in fall quarter. Half-day meeting. Your first summer report is presented to Your fellow 1st year classmates The faculty The incoming class of new students Masters thesis proposal is due early in fall quarter.
Year Two Average load is one course per quarter. TA for one quarter Continue research Average load is one course per quarter. TA for one quarter Continue research
Year Three Average load is one course per quarter. Continue research Present research in a departmental seminar Average load is one course per quarter. Continue research Present research in a departmental seminar
Advancement to Ph.D Candidacy Based on Research potential as evidenced by Master’s thesis or a journal article Seminar presentation Course grades Materials must be submitted by the beginning of your fourth year. Based on Research potential as evidenced by Master’s thesis or a journal article Seminar presentation Course grades Materials must be submitted by the beginning of your fourth year.
Beyond Year 3 Research is your primary activity Coursework as appropriate TA once more before graduation General exam Final thesis defense Research is your primary activity Coursework as appropriate TA once more before graduation General exam Final thesis defense
Timing Avg. time to Ph.D is about 5.5 years. Since 1998, two finished in 3.25 years. Five years is a reasonable goal. Avg. time to Ph.D is about 5.5 years. Since 1998, two finished in 3.25 years. Five years is a reasonable goal.
Your Advisor Students are admitted with RA support, provided by their advisors. Students are matched with advisors based on Student preference Advisor availability Commonality of interests Students can, and occasionally do, switch advisors. Students are admitted with RA support, provided by their advisors. Students are matched with advisors based on Student preference Advisor availability Commonality of interests Students can, and occasionally do, switch advisors.