Bio-Related Technology Chapter 1 Introduction to Bio-Related Technology Dr. Nowak
Summary This chapter discusses what biotechnology is, providing definitions and a value based perspective. It also provides background information that will lay a foundation for future chapters.
Objectives Define bio-related technology. Provide examples of the ways that bio-related technology affects all our lives. Identify career fields related to bio-related technology.
Introduction Society is made up of five major institutions Family Religion Education Government Economics All are affected by technology Society is made up of five major institutions; family, religion, education, government, and economics. All of these institutions are affected by technology.
Technology Defined the knowledge used to change various resources into many goods and services used by society technology is the tools, materials, and processes people use to extend their power to make or do something Technology is defined as “the knowledge used to change various resources into many goods and services used by society”. Technology has also been defined as “technology is the tools, materials, and processes people use to extend their power to make or do something” (Komacek).
The World of Bio-Related Technology Bio-related technology uses living organisms or their parts to make or modify commercial products. We discussed the difference between biotechnology and bio-related technology earlier (refer to Definition PowerPoint) Bio-related technology encompasses biotechnology because it also addresses the actions and impacts of biotechnology. Bio-related technology uses living organisms or their parts to make or modify commercial products. We discussed the difference between biotechnology and bio-related technology earlier (refer to Definition PowerPoint) Bio-related technology encompasses biotechnology because it also addresses the actions and impacts of biotechnology.
Bio-Related Technology Defined the practical application of mechanical devices, products, substances, or organisms to improve health or contribute to the harmony between humans and their environment
The Effects of Bio-Related Technology on Our Lives Numerous factors influence our lives Critical need for understanding Examples of need for understanding: Universal health care Improved agriculture Waste disposal Acid rain Greenhouse effect Numerous factors influence and impact upon the environment in which we live. It is critical that we develop an understanding of these factors so that we can make appropriate decisions and avoid disastrous situations. Examples of bio-related decisions we have had to deal with include: Universal health care – what are the impacts, positive and negative? Improved agricultural practices We can feed the entire world – no more hunger? Impacts, positive and negative? Waste Disposal Household Waste 160+ million tons per year Auto in NYC helped solve problem in 1900’s but created new ones Technology always results in change Toxic Waste Toxic waste is something that is poisonous to humans and animals. Carcinogens – cancer producing substances or agents Teratogens – cause fetal damage Mutagens – cause birth or genetic defects A promising treatment is biodegradation Nuclear Waste Spent fuel cells Nuclear weaponry Low-level radiation – medical byproducts such as X-rays Acid Rain Rain that is more acidic than normal – below 5.6 which is normal Caused by burning fossil fuels Kills fish and defoliates forests What is being done? Legislation Technologies Catalytic converter Coal gasification and scrubbers The Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse layer Ozone keeps out harmful solar radiation Gasses such as carbon dioxide keep heat in Chlorofluorocarbons – CFCs depletes the ozone layer allowing solar radiation in Carbon Dioxide, among other gasses – traps in heat Product of burning carbon based fuels and breathing Consumed by plants to produce food Pros and cons of burning wood as a fuel
Making Decisions about Bio-Related Technology Need for a “technologically literate society” Social/Cultural Values Political Influences Environmental Influences Technological Influences Economic Influences Educational Influences The need for a “technologically literate society” or Jeffersonian Democracy Social/Cultural Values – is the technology right for the time and value of the culture? Political Influences – influence the speed or ability for technology to be approved or implemented. Environmental Influences – exploring the environmental impacts of technology. Green manufacturing Gaia Hypothesis states that “our planet functions as a single organism that maintains conditions necessary for its survival” (Chamberlin). Technological Influences – is the technology available to safely and properly develop, test, control, and dispose the products of each process? Economic Influences – supply and demand theory The oil situation today Energy bill passed this summer Revision being proposed in reaction to Katrina and Rita Educational Influences – why study technology in general and bio-related technology in particular?
Careers in Bio-Related Technology Careers in all seven major classifications Bioengineering Health care Materials applications Regulation and safety Cultivation of plants and animals Fuel and chemical production Waste management and treatment
Careers in Bio-Related Technology Factors to consider: Interests/background Problem solving abilities Educational level/desire Salary expectations Future of the technological field
Sources Chamberlin, Sean. (2005). Dr. C’s remarkable ocean world. Retrieved September 26, 2005, from Komacek, Stanley A., Lawson, Ann E., and Horton, Andrew C. (1990). Manufacturing technology. Albany, NY. Delmar Publishers, Inc. Savage, Ernest N., Rossner, Albert G., and Finke, Gary D. (1993). Bio-Related technology. Albany, New York: Delmar Publishers, Inc.