Searching with Search Engines ATS 2004 Menchaca
Search Engines Collect Spiders Spiders Bots Bots Humans Humans
Keyword Searches Boolean Logic Boolean Logic And, or, not And, or, not Phrases and parentheses Phrases and parentheses Remove frames Remove frames Altavista Infoseek Route
Natural Language Searches Syntax Syntax Question Question Advanced features Advanced features Ask Jeeves Electric Monk Ask Jeeves for Kids
Subject Guide Searches Categorization Categorization Intense human resources Intense human resources Some evaluation (appropriateness but not content) Some evaluation (appropriateness but not content) Yahoo Look Smart Yahooligans Kids Click!
Meta Searches Searches search engines Searches search engines Advanced features hit and miss Advanced features hit and miss Large number of ‘hits’ Large number of ‘hits’ Hotbot Dogpile Yahooligans
Important Features Google & AOL Images Google & AOL Images Advanced capabilities Advanced capabilities References (dictionaries, thesaurus, etc.) References (dictionaries, thesaurus, etc.) Evaluated web sites (kidsclick) Evaluated web sites (kidsclick) Google AOL Ask Jeeves for Kids KidsClick!