A. Clark 1 CDF - highlights and perspectives Operating well: - rich physics program with ongoing results at highest operating collision energies (√s=1.96 GeV) - silicon cooling problems being addressed (9-week shutdown from August 6th. - data taking foreseen until fb -1 expected DPNC Cartigny
A. Clark 2 CDF Institutions 62 institutions 14 countries University of Geneva Allan Clark Till Hoffmann (MSc) Anna Sfyrla (thesis) Sofia Vallecorsa (thesis) Xin Wu Until recently: Mario Campanelli Régis Lefevre Shulamit Moed (thesis)
A. Clark 3 CDF Run II Publications YearPublications * Total140 * To date From Lepton-Photon 2007 Recent (Summer 2007) results include: QCD and jet physics Heavy flavor results (c- and b-quark) Top quark results Higgs New physics searches Comment on a small selection - a few general -Geneva group
A. Clark 4 CDF Run II - Integrated Luminosity Peak initial luminosity 2.92x10 32 cm -2 s -1 CDF to tape 3.4 fb -1 delivered 2.7 fb -1 to tape - Increased luminosity entails increased analysis complication - key to increased integrated luminosity is lifetime and reliability - expect 6-7 fb -1 by end of run period?
A. Clark 5 Highlights of CDF Run II - QCD and inclusive JET cross-section Di-jet production Inclusive jet production central jets sensitive to new physics at high Q 2 forward jets at same Q 2, lower x, sensitivity to PDF’s a key ingredient in understanding SM processes as background to new physics
A. Clark 6 Highlights of CDF Run II - Z/W + jets production Z+ jets production (1.7 fb-1) W+jets production (320 pb-1) Z+b-jet production (1.5 fb-1) Test of pQCD at high Q 2 Key background to new physics processes (e.g. Z( )+jets background to SUSY search in E T +jets channel
A. Clark 7 Highlights of CDF Run II - B s In SM B s is suppressed (need FCNC) SM predicts SUSY can enhance BR by > order of magnitude Result: L ~ 2fb -1 No excess seen A key early measurement for LHC
A. Clark 8 Highlights of CDF Run II - B s Neural net analysis expoiting good B s and B d mass resolution 3 events in B s window, 6 in B d window
A. Clark 9 Highlights of CDF Run II - diboson production (non - Geneva) WZ production. 1st. Observation Oct (WZ -> 3 lepton+ missing E T. Updated to 1.9 fb -1 Trilinear gauge couplings 1st. measurement ZZ production. 1st. Evidence (ZZ->ll and ZZ->llll (~1.5 fb -1 )
A. Clark 10 Highlights of CDF Run II - triple gauge couplings (non - Geneva) Key background to new physics processes (e.g. Z( )+jets background to SUSY search in E T +jets channel
A. Clark 11 CDF Run II highlights - WW/WZ semileptonic search (A. Sfyrla) e ± or µ ±
A. Clark 12 CDF Run II highlights - WW/WZ semileptonic search (A. Sfyrla) PRELIMINARY Background subtracted Blind analysis Integrated luminosity ~1.21 fb-1 Central µ ± and e ± for semileptonic W ± 60<m JJ <100 GeV signal region (80% of the expected W signal) Good agreement between µ ± and e ± analyses Expected significance using present data sample of ~2.5 Expected # events ~15900 Measured # events = Measured # signal events = 410±212 Measured significance = 1.94 S x BR (exp) = 1.49 ± 0.77 pb S x BR (th) = 2.1 ± 0.2 pb
A. Clark 13 Highlights of CDF Run II - t-quark mass (and W-mass) From wine & cheese, 10 August 2007
A. Clark 14 Highlights of CDF Run II - SM Higgs boson expectation m W vs. M t Perspective: Today: S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik, D. Stockinger, A.M. Weber, G. Weiglein '06
A. Clark 15 Highlights of CDF Run II - a summary of SM Higgs boson search The results shown are 95% CL limits for the SM Higgs. In case of (e.g.) MSSM or SUGRA Higgs or similar, results no longer apply
A. Clark 17 CDF Run II highlights - W helicity in t-decays (S. Moed) fb -1 - W helicity in t-decay fixed by m t, m W, V-A structure of tWb vertex - f - =f LH ~30%, f o =f long ~70%, f + =f RH ~0.036% in SM - fully reconstruct (lepton+jet events), measure cos * - fit with unbinned likelihood 1D fit: (fixed f 0 or f + ) f o = 0.57±0.11(stat)±0.04(sys) f + < 0.07 (95% CL) 2D fit: f o = 0.61±0.20(stat)±0.03(sys) f + = -0.02±0.08(stat)±0.03(sys)
18 Measurements using SVT triggered sample See talk of Sofia Vallecorsa Data is compared to LO and CDF Run II highlights - Contributions from Geneva - the SVT trigger OTHER Run II analyses:
A. Clark 19 6: Conclusions and Outlook Rigorous comparison of SM processes with NLO/LO expectations Search for evidence of new physics Development of new analysis techniques relevant to LHC Expect to double data set in 2008, reach 6-7 fb -1 be Oct CDF (+D0) have unprecedented data sets -Goals of Run II being met m t, m W, Dm s, …. - Major t-quark, diboson studies in SM