Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Christ returns to earth with saved immortal Saints Millennium Eart h tilted Christian Tribulation PeriodTerrible Day Of The Lord Rapture Rev 4 Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ TrIbMartyrsraIsedTrIbMartyrsraIsed Sealed Sealed Rev12
Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Millennium Christian Tribulation Period Terrible Day Of The Lord Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ TrIbMartyrsraIsedTrIbMartyrsraIsed Sealed Sealed Eart h tilted Rapture Rev 4 Christ returns to earth with saved immortal Saints Millennium
Christ takes the 7 sealed book and opens seals 24 Elders, 4 Living Ones around the throne God the Father (Ancient of Days) Rev 6 Christ gives orders to the 4 living ones who send forth the 4 horsemen with orders. First 4 seals Wrath mixed with grace 3 ½ yrs Pure wrath without mixture 7 yrs Christ returns to earth with saved immortal Saints Millennium Eart h tilted Christian Tribulation PeriodTerrible Day Of The Lord Rapture Rev 4 Rev 5:8-10 Redeemed as Priests and Kings and we will reign on the earth w/Christ TrIbMartyrsraIsedTrIbMartyrsraIsed Sealed Sealed Rev12
Isaiah 11:1,2 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; 1: And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him 2: Spirit of wisdom 3: Spirit of understanding 4: Spirit of counsel 5: Spirit of might 6: Spirit of might 7: Spirit of might Jesse was the father of David. Isaiah is saying from the lineage of David would come a branch who will have the seven manifold Spirits of God upon Him.
Revelation Chapter 4 Daniel called Father the Ancient of Days wearing white raiment and hair as pure wool in Dan 7:9Dan 7:9 24 Elders seated around the throne clothed in white raiment and wearing crowns of gold 4 Beasts (Living Ones) A face of Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle. Each had 6 wings and eyes within and without Throne room scene the raptured Church will see in heaven as told by John John saw just the glory of the Father as a precious jasper and Sardine stone. Round about was a rainbow as like an Emerald First the trumpet call to the Church. As the Holy Spirit appeared as dove upon Jesus, tongues of fire at Pentecost, now as 7 lamps as torches like the Olympics saying let the judgments of God begin