Gaussian Mixture Example: Start
After First Iteration
After 2nd Iteration
After 3rd Iteration
After 4th Iteration
After 5th Iteration
After 6th Iteration
After 20th Iteration
A Gaussian Mixture Model for Clustering Assume that data are generated from a mixture of Gaussian distributions For each Gaussian distribution Center: i Variance: (ignore) For each data point Determine membership
Learning Gaussian Mixture Model with the known covariance
Log-likelihood of Data Apply MLE to find optimal parameters
Learning a Gaussian Mixture (with known covariance)
E-Step Learning Gaussian Mixture Model
M-Step Learning Gaussian Mixture Model
Mixture Model for Document Clustering A set of language models
Mixture Model for Documents Clustering A set of language models Probability
A set of language models Probability Mixture Model for Document Clustering
A set of language models Probability Introduce hidden variable z ij z ij : document d i is generated by the j-th language model j.
Learning a Mixture Model E-Step K: number of language models
Learning a Mixture Model M-Step N: number of documents