MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT LISTENING (Grice/Skinner) 1. Listening=Hearing hearing-sound waves listening-produces meaning 2. Listening is a natural process 3. Listening does not require effort 4. Listeners receive the same message
STAGES OF LISTENING (Grice/Skinner) 1. Hearing 2. Selecting 3. Interpret 4. Understanding 5. Evaluating 6. Resolve
TYPES OF LISTENING Appreciative Empathic Comprehensive Critical enjoyment Empathic Emotional support Comprehensive To understand Critical Evaluate Acceptance/rejection
POOR LISTENING Not concentrating Listening too hard Jumping to conclusions Focusing on delivery and personal appearance
LISTENING PROBLEMS (rothwell) Shift response focus on you focus on the other person Competitive interrupting one talks-other is quiet Glazing over no interest in the speaker/topic
LISTENING PROBLEMS (cont.) Pseudolistening “okay” “Uh-huh” Ambushing look for weaknesses Content-only content only;not emotional element to communication
LISTENING OBSTACLES [Skinner/Grice] Physical distractions Physiological distractions Psychological distractions Factual distractions Semantic distractions
BECOMING A BETTER LISTENER Take listening seriously Resist distractions Concentrate Do not prejudge Focus evidence speech technique