Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Introduction Connecting the Dots: Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards University of California Center Sacramento July 12, 2005 Geoffrey Lomax, Research Director Environmental Health Tracking Program Holly Brown-Williams, Director of Healthy Aging and Environmental Programs Center for Community Wellness
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards The Issue The safe and effective management and control of environmental hazards has been a persistent public policy challenge. AKA there is a lot of toxic stuff out there.
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Uncertainty Prevails & Surprises Happen
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Uncertainty Prevails & Surprises Happen
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Multiple Dots AB 289: Chemical testing methods AB 263: $ penalties for PBDE AB 319: bisphenol-A children’s products AB 815: Protect workers AB 816: Reporting of chemical sales AB 990: Safe substitutes SB 484: Chemicals in cosmetics SB 600: Monitoring chemicals in breast milk SB 849: Office of Health Tracking Recent Health/Environmental Legislation: Are we all over the map?
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Conceptual Framework Source/ Use Emission/ In Products Exposure In the perfect world we would have a “source-to- dose” (pathway) perspective to guide environmental policy. The ultimate goal would be to reduce or eliminate exposure especially to the most toxic compounds. Burden / Health
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Source Reduction Source/ Use Immediate concern is workers exposed in the production and use of compounds, and how compounds behave in the environment. AB 289: Chemical testing methods AB 815: Protect workers AB 816: Reporting of chemical sales AB 990: Safe substitutes
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards The Science of Source Reduction Pandora Concept The compound is persistent & mobile resulting in a large spatial range Bioaccumulation Toxicity Human, ecological including global change and systems (e.g. CFCs) Major challenge: Without technology forcing policy, it is extremely difficult to avoid risk shifting. (see Ashford N.A., McDonough W)
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Uncertainty Prevails & Surprises Happen
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Historical Note 2/4/1988
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Understanding Emissions Source/ Use Emission/ In Products Potential to expose humans and natural systems. AB 319: Children’s products SB 484: Cosmetics:Cosmetics
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Kids are Unique Physiologically Behavior Life span / long-term social costs Willingness-to-pay The future
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Measuring / Predicting Exposure Source/ Use Emission/ In Products Exposure How are hazards distributed geographically? SB 849: Environmental Health Tracking
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Exposure Modeling Example
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Policy Evaluation Example Source: California Air Resources Board;
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Body Burden & Health Source/ Use Emission/ In Products Exposure Burden / Health Are hazards entering biological receptors (e.g. people, animals, plants other biota)? SB 600: Biological monitoring SB 849: Environmental Health Tracking
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Dose / Body Burden Relative Knowledge PBDE-47 in Human Tissues (lipid normalized) PBDE-47, ng/g lipids U.S. (San Francisco, adipose) Sweden (adipose) Germany (whole blood) Canada (milk) Finland (milk) Japan (milk) Sweden (milk)
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Evaluation Function Source to dose knowledge is an important tool for evaluating interventions.
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Evaluation Function
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Health Effects? Hazard Environmental Hazard Health Outcome Outcome Prevalence Population Exposure Population w/Outcome Linkages? Surveillance model where population health outcomes (e.g. disease) is tracked in time and spacehealth outcomes
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Health Data to Health Policy
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards So What is New? Source/ Use Emission/ In Products Exposure Burden / Health Advances in information and testing technology enable better data Focus on distribution of hazards as opposed to risk shifts policy frame to accommodate issues of precaution and justice More complete understanding of health supports concepts of population health (e.g. urban planning & built environment)
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Hazard vs. Risk Framework Hazard Risk Focus on distribution of hazard (e.g. high, medium, low) Focus on quantification of the probability of harm (e.g. one in one thousand) Issues Fairness (value oriented) Gold standard Technical orientation Acceptability Policy Implications Supports public participation and accommodates precautionary action Historically creates tension over the “acceptable to whom,” and reinforces expert driven interpretation of evidence
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards End Thank you
Science and Policy Issues in the Control & Management of Environmental Hazards Comments Community members want more information in order to act locally Great need for better data, and ability to help communities understand the data EHT is one approach, but others are needed Goal is to act sooner, avoid health/ecosystem damage Obtaining better data at earlier stages allows for policy action with lower costs and less risk shifting Science underlies precautionary approaches, not just risk assessment