Attendance Supercomputer ` Registrations
Presentation of the 11th List Hans- Werner Meuer University of Mannheim Supercomputer '98 Conference Mannheim, June 18-20, 1998 Opening Session, June 18, 11: :30
Background Information - started in 6/93 by Jack J. Dongarra, Hans W. Meuer and Erich Strohmaier - now Project of the Universities of Mannheim and Tennessee - TOP500 Motivation - Analysis of the HCP market - Recognition of trends (market, architecture, technology)
TOP500 Procedure - Listing of the 500 most powerful Computers in theWorld - Yardstick: Rmax /LINPACK - Updating halfyearly TOP500 Status - Accepted by Users and Manufacturers - TOP500 Reports published yearly
TOP500 list - Data shown ManufacturerManufacturer or vendor Computer Type indicated by manufacturer or vendor Inst. SiteCustomer LocationLocation and country YearYear of installation/last major update Field of Appl.Academic,Research,Industry,Vendor,Classified # Proc.Number of processors R max Maxmimal LINPACK performance achieved R peak Theoretical peak performance N max Problemsize for achieving R max N 1/2 Problemsize for achieving half of R max N world Position within the TOP500 ranking
WWW offer - 2 primary sites Mannheim Netlib mirror in Japan Phase - All 11 lists are available now - Create your own sublists and charts - Slides are available (e.g. developments over time) - New Web representation sponsored by HPCnet Access our Top500 offer in the Web !
Intel ASCI Red
Industry Research Academic [%] 100 [%] 50 [%] Sun SGI IBM Application Areas - Kiviat Diagram
Hitachi Industry Research Academic [%] 100 [%] 50 [%] NEC Fujitsu HP Application Areas - Kiviat Diagram
Excerpt from TOP500 6/98
Congratulations Mr. Riccardo Gambineri Vice President Production & Control Investment Banking IT and International Financial Business
Larry SmarrBill Clinton
Keynote Presentation Supercomputers: Directions in Technology, Architecture and Applications Dr. Larry Smarr Director, NCSA, Urbana Champaign