“Algae” Protista that are photosynthetic autotrophs Diverse morphology Single cells, filaments, colonies, thalli Polyphyletic Polyphyletic Three lines lead to multicellularity Other groups
Green Algae Pandorina - clump Chlamydomonas – 1 cell Life size Pandorina - clump Chlamydomonas – 1 cell Ulothrix - filament Large diversity in fresh water Green algae are present in marine habitats but not as important as reds and browns One line very close to plants Same chemistry, morphology as plants Shown here are various growth forms evolved from basic Chlamydomonas “building block” cell http://www.biol.tsukuba.ac.jp/~inouye/ino/g/chl/chlamy3.jpg http://www.ac-rennes.fr/pedagogie/svt/photo/microalg/pandorin.jpg http://www.biologie.uni-regensburg.de/Biochemie/Sumper/bilder/Volvox-Titel-end.jpg http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/taxonomy/Chlorophyta/Genus/Volvox/Volvox.jpg http://research.kahaku.go.jp/botany/seaweeds/GreenAlgae/GreenAlgae_PhotoPage/Photo/hibimidoro.GIF 100 μm Ulva - sphere Scale bars 10 μm Ulva - sheet ½ Life size
Red Algae Polysiphonia – simple thallus Porphyra – sheet Water soluble pigments Blue-green bacteria Red algae Mostly marine Cell walls with gels Some complex thalli http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/protista/reds/porphyra.gif http://www.vattenkikaren.gu.se/fakta/arter/algae/rhodophy/polysp/polysp.gif http://krupp.wcc.hawaii.edu/BIOL200/powerpnt/trophic/img005.jpg Porphyra – sheet
Brown Algae Brown algae exhibit the most complexly differentiated thalli Note the internal structure of differentiated cell types (ignore the terms) http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/webb/BOT311/Phaeophyta/PhaeoLaminarialesAnatomy.htm
Diatoms marine diatoms tend to be radially patterned while fresh water ones are bilateral http://ace.acadiau.ca/science/biol/gcheesm/Diatoms3.jpg
Euglena http://www.ac-rennes.fr/pedagogie/svt/photo/microalg/euglena.jpg
Euglenoid movement and Flagellar movement in Euglena http://bio.rutgers.edu/euglena/movies.htg/ccmp389a.MOV Euglenoid movement in Eutreptiella