EATMP HMI TCAS RA DRAFT 11 December 2002 Eurocontrol Human Machine Interface Service
Principles TCAS HMI must be consistent with current EATMP HMI. There might be a need to combine some of the TCAS warnings for simplicity. Usefulness of particular warnings must be examined. Voice prompts are introduced to increase controller’s alertness. For clarity, TCAS warning examples are shown without STCA or MTCD warnings. Flight levels are shown for illustration purposes only.
Voice Prompts Types Voice – alert announced once, female voice Voice plus – alert announced twice, higher volume, male voice
Voice Prompts TCAS – “voice plus” announced once immediately after alert is generated, repeated only if RA sense is reversed; suppresses STCA voice announcements for that conflict STCA – “voice” announced once immediately after STCA is generated, “voice plus” announced after 15 sec., repeated every 15 sec. until clear of conflict
Existing HMI Normal Situation BAW362 NS 330
Existing HMI MTCD Warning BAW362 NS 330
Existing HMI MTCD and STCA Warnings BAW362 NS 330
MTCD and TCAS RA (no STCA) BAW362 NS 330
TCAS RA with direction indication (no STCA and MTCD) BAW362 NS 330
TCAS RA Alternative solution RA in Line O BAW362 NS 330 Considerations: STCA and TCAS are anagrams - might be confusing under stress For that reason displaying “RA” instead of “TCAS” in line 0 might be better However, “RA” will inconsistent with ATC phraseology (“TCAS descend/climb”)
TCAS RA Alternative solution No RA type BAW362 NS 330 No indication of RA type given
All VSLs TCAS VSL BAW362 NS 325 330 TCAS - All VSLs: Monitor vertical speed Adjust vertical speed, adjust Maintain vertical speed, maintain Maintain vertical speed, crossing maintain
Descend TCAS BAW362 NS 330 TCAS: Descend, descend
Crossing descend TCAS X BAW362 NS 330 TCAS: Descend, crossing descend… Consideration: Controllers may associate the word crossing with crossing tracks.
Climb TCAS BAW362 NS 330 TCAS: Climb, climb
Crossing climb TCAS X BAW362 NS 330 TCAS: Climb, crossing climb… Consideration: Controllers may associate the word crossing with crossing tracks.
Increase descend TCAS BAW362 NS 324 330 TCAS: Increase descend, increase descend
Increase climb TCAS BAW362 NS 335 330 TCAS: Increase climb, increase climb
Descend NOW (reverse sense RA) TCAS BAW362 NS 335 330 TCAS: Descend, descend NOW
Descend NOW (reverse sense RA) Alternative Solution - different icon BAW362 NS 335 330 TCAS () TCAS: Descend, descend NOW Alternative solution - if the icon on the previous slide cannot be implemented.
Climb NOW (reverse sense RA) TCAS BAW362 NS 324 330 TCAS: Climb, climb NOW
Climb NOW (reverse sense RA) Alternative Solution - different icon TCAS () BAW362 NS 324 330 TCAS: Climb, climb NOW Alternative solution - if the icon on the previous slide cannot be implemented.
Intruder with no TCAS, no RA generated or TCAS in TA mode only LOT467 NS 330 TCAS BAW362 NS 330 Intruder with no TCAS, no RA generated or TCAS in TA mode only Consideration: Controllers have no means knowing which aircraft are not TCAS equipped or TCAS in-op.
Clear of Conflict TCAS CLEAR BAW362 NS 330 TCAS: Clear of conflict
Alert Window TCAS LOT282 SAS751