1 SATUTORY AND NON-TRADITIONAL PRACTICE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS Working in Partnership – International Conference at CCCU March 2008 Anne Kelly and Social Work Students
2 A workshop to: highlight new Practice Learning Opportunities developed in partnership with local agencies highlight new Practice Learning Opportunities developed in partnership with local agencies explore differences between practice learning in statutory and non-statutory organisations. explore differences between practice learning in statutory and non-statutory organisations.
3 Context 1. Social Work training in the UK 2003: new social work degree – 3 year BA or 2 year MA 2003: new social work degree – 3 year BA or 2 year MA Importance of practice learning highlighted Importance of practice learning highlighted Assessed practice learning days increased from 130 to 200 Assessed practice learning days increased from 130 to 200 Higher numbers of students training to be social workers encouraged by UK Government. Higher numbers of students training to be social workers encouraged by UK Government. Nationwide increase in student practice placements in private and voluntary organisations and other non- traditional sites. Nationwide increase in student practice placements in private and voluntary organisations and other non- traditional sites. Final placement generally in a statutory social work organisation Final placement generally in a statutory social work organisation
4 2. Changing landscape of social work and social care: Narrowing roles of statutory Social Services Narrowing roles of statutory Social Services commissioningcommissioning co-ordinating services to individuals/familiesco-ordinating services to individuals/families High risk situations, adult and child protectionHigh risk situations, adult and child protection Managerialism, bureaucracy, focus on riskManagerialism, bureaucracy, focus on risk Provision of services by private, voluntary & independent sector, including support and prevention Provision of services by private, voluntary & independent sector, including support and prevention Emphasis on interprofessional collaboration and integrated services Emphasis on interprofessional collaboration and integrated services
5 In statutory Social Services practice placements students may gain experience of working under pressure, in complex and uncertain situations, and may have involvement with legal interventions where people are considered to be at risk. In private, voluntary and independent agencies students can gain a contrasting experience
6 1. Private & Voluntary organisations: Events exploring potential benefits of working together both for local organisations and the University Events exploring potential benefits of working together both for local organisations and the University Practice teaching module offered to P&V staff at minimal cost (currently running) Practice teaching module offered to P&V staff at minimal cost (currently running) Possibilities for P&V practitioners to be involved in planning and contributing to programmes and academic modules Possibilities for P&V practitioners to be involved in planning and contributing to programmes and academic modules Non-traditional Social Work Practice Learning Projects at Canterbury Christ Church University
7 2. Other non-traditional practice learning opportunities: Schools Schools GP surgeries GP surgeries Housing Department Housing Department All supported by off-site practice teachers Funding from Skills for Care has supported these projects
8 ‘That’s not real social work!’ Amount of work required to develop placements in non-social work agencies Identifying & developing suitable learning opportunities for students Identifying & developing suitable learning opportunities for students Support and training for supervisors Support and training for supervisors Preparation and support for students Some issues
9 Many benefits – for students Students gain a greater range of experience, knowledge & skills More opportunity to work in different ways with people who use services Understanding & respect for other people’s perspectives In voluntary agencies students experience working within a different ethos from statutory services – in partnership, with more flexibility & creativity Interprofessional working
10 Benefits for organisations Direct involvement in training of future social workers – chance to influence them Students can undertake work other staff do not have time to do Students bring enthusiasm, skills, knowledge, different/fresh approach Promotes the work of the voluntary sector and its culture and ethos Training and professional development opportunities for staff Chance to work collaboratively with the university, and network with other organisations
11 There is still more ground to cover – this year and next year
12 Students’ experiences: Students’ experiences: Mzondi, Heather and Paul