Overview and Implementation Schedules Richard Keigwin, Director EPA Pesticide Re-evaluation Division
22 Key Points Amended REDs issued June 2009 Include measures to mitigate risks from fumigant pesticides Measures will be implemented through product labels Revised labels with new measures will appear in the field in 2010 and 2011.
33 Reregistration Eligibility Decisions “REDs” Re-licensing decisions for chemicals used as soil fumigants –Methyl Bromide –Chloropicrin –Metam Sodium/Metam Potassium –Dazomet First comprehensive reevaluation since products first registered
44 Goals Protect workers and bystanders while maintaining key benefits of use Ensure a level playing field across all soil fumigants Risk management decisions that are protective and reflect real-world situations
5 Process Overview - Regulatory Process Timeline 2004: Public participation process begins 2011: All mitigation measures on labels 2010: Label changes in effect 2009: RED Amendments Issued 2008: REDs Issued 2007: Public Comment on Mitigation 2006: Public Comment on Risk Assessments 2005: Draft Risk Assessments and Nation Wide Public Meetings
66 Mitigation Summary Package of measures that work together to Reduce potential for direct exposure to toxic concentrations Reduce likelihood of accidents and errors Foster planning and compliance Assure appropriate response to exposures that occur
77 Mitigation Measures RUP classification for metam sodium/potassium and dazomet New Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Rate Reductions Use site limitations Handler respiratory protection Tarp perforation and removal restrictions Reentry restrictions Training information for workers Fumigant Management Plans (FMPs) First responder outreach Applicator training Buffer zones Restrictions near difficult to evacuate sites Emergency preparedness and response Registrant-provided training, information and community outreach programs
8 Risk Mitigation Measure Good agricultural practices (GAPs) ●● Restricted use (new measure for metam sodium/ potassium & dazomet only) ●● New handler protections including changes to respiratory protection, tarp cutting/removal and worker reentry restrictions ●● Fumigant management plans and post application summaries ●/◙● Buffer zone distances, credits, and posting ● Emergency preparedness measures ● Difficult to evacuate sites ● Notice to state lead agencies ● Safe handling information ●● First responder, community outreach and certified applicator training ◙● Rate reductions and use site limitations ●● Implementation Schedule ◙ under development ● adopt
99 Original Implementation Schedule: 2010 Labeling Outreach Label Submission Label Approvals Labels in Field Ongoing September 2009 December
10 Current Implementation Schedule: 2010 Labeling Outreach Label Submission Label Approvals Labels in Field Ongoing January 2010 Early Spring 2010 Late 2010
11 Planned Implementation Schedule: 2011 Labeling Outreach Label Submission Label Approvals Labels in Field Ongoing Late 2010 Early
New evaluation of the soil fumigants begins under the Registration Review Program
Compliance and Enforcement Guidance All new fumigant requirements will be part of labeling Compliance monitoring will be part of normal use inspections
Compliance and Enforcement Guidance Compliance assistance early, –Work with users to help them understand labeling and how to comply Compliance monitoring later, –Ensure compliance with labeling Response to complaints –Label violations? –Egregious? –Some judgment needed