Database Functions & Filtering DCOUNT DAVERAGE
DCOUNT Used to count the number of times that a particular property occurs in a data set Fields of DCOUNT 1. Database- data + labels 2. Field- leave it blank 3. Criteria- information you want to match (You must include the labels)
DAVERAGE Used to compute the average (or mean) of numerical data that meets the specified condition Fields of DAVERAGE 1. Database- data + labels 2. Field- Enter the field (using “ ”) 3. Criteria- information you want to match (You must include the labels)
If you have multiple criteria you need to enter them using separate lines 1. 2 Labels from Record worksheet
Examples-DCOUNT ModelModel Year Location of Repair Estimated Speed (mph)Repair Cost Toyota Arizona Number of Toyotas repaired in Arizona17 =DCOUNT(Records!B12:F384,,A1:E2)
Examples-DAVERAGE ModelModel Year Location of Repair Estimated Speed (mph)Repair Cost What was the mean repair cost for vehicles that were made in 1996, 1997, or 1998? $1, =DAVERAGE(Records!B12:F384,"Repair Cost",A30:E33)
Filtering Data->Filter->Advanced filter In the Advanced filter window 1. Select copy to another location 2. List range -data range from Records worksheet 3. Criteria - information you want to filter (You must include the labels) 4. Copy to- where you would like to display the filtered data
Project Focus Events 1. Y- 7 years of experience 2. T- Bachelor's Degree 3. C- Normal (For convenience, the names of these events will also be used as properties of borrowers in the bank records )
BR Bank Ranges Former Bank Years In Business Education Level State Of Economy Loan Paid Back? BR yes Former Bank Years In Business Education Level State Of Economy Loan Paid Back? BR7 yes Former Bank Years In Business Education Level State Of Economy Loan Paid Back? BR no Former Bank Years In Business Education Level State Of Economy Loan Paid Back? BR7 no Range1 Range2 Range3 Range4
Using DCOUNT Counting Number Successful Number Successful With Y Number Faile d Number Failed With Y Number With Y 1, , Range1 Range2 Range3 Range4
You can do the same procedure for Cajun & Dupont Banks Good time to set up excel file similar to Loan Focus.xls for your team’s specific loan