Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/2002 1 IDEAL-IST : what is in it for you ? Danielle KREKELS - Ideal-IST (Belgium)


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Presentation transcript:

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ IDEAL-IST : what is in it for you ? Danielle KREKELS - Ideal-IST (Belgium)

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : short 32 countries working together to help you in 6FP : –Partner search & matchmaking –Information on 6FP –Workshops on specific topics

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ FP (1) : – 6FP focuses on the idea of a 'European Space for Research' (ERA) – Concentration & focus, building critical mass – Capitalise on Europe's strengths

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ FP (2) : - Visionary, forward looking (longer term - high risk) - Combine flexibility with greater speed in implementation - Scope of activities : core technologies & "pull-through" applications

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ FP (3) : Different instruments : * IP's=Integrated Projects – objective driven & capacity to mobilise critical mass necessary to achieve ambitious objectives & produce structuring and integrating effects on fabric of European research

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ FP (4) : * NoE's=Networks of Excellence – exploratory research (like e.g. laboratoria) & capacity to mobilise critical mass necessary to achieve ambitious objectives & produce structuring and integrating effects on fabric of European research & TRP's (Targeted Research Projects) & Specific Research Activities for SME's & etc.

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ Good to know : 60 % of all proposals were not accepted in 5FP : - not respecting time limit (queues, airplane accidents, strikes, … = not good enough reason for EC !) – deadline = Reception Deadline !!!

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ Good to know (2) – not all documents were there… – not respecting anonymity where required – administrative errors… 40 % selected  consultation Experts evaluate - EC negotiates  20 % granted

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ Consortium building Consortium building - basic rules : –Partner’s roles : identify them clearly – see Partner Search form –3 partners/3 different countries (more…) –Clearly state what's their strategic interest in the project : university, research institute, IT hardware vendor, IT software vendor, developer, Industry,...

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ Consortium building (2) –Double competences in consortium ? Difficult cooperation - competition - IPR issues … –European dimension : don’t force it ! –Who is playing which role (coordinator, (sub)contractors, etc.) :

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ Consortium building (3)  Increased management autonomy : importance of outstandingly good "project management" ! -Partners possibly can be inserted later in the project …

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ Consortium building (4) -A consortium should look if they need SMEs to fulfill the objectives - not forced. If useful : strongly advised ! -If yes : searching for them  ideal-ist is perfectly placed for help

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : What is in it for YOU ? : 1. Partnering service : - Looking for partners ? Fill out the Partner Search Form  Active : * tens of responses * 1 day - some weeks

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : What is in it for YOU ? : (partnering service) - Looking for a project ? Fill out the simple "Interest Form"  Active for us, passive for you : receive Partner Searches from 32 countries in you field(s) of interest

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : what's in it for YOU ? 2. Brokerage events : International (virtual) matchmaking events (per strategic objective and well defined topics) to bring possible IST- partners together

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : what's in it for YOU ? 3. Information : Help you with all the necessary documents, information on the FP, open calls, updates of the WP, … * We also conduct surveys for the EC (improving Workprogram, etc.)

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : what's in it for YOU ? 4. Workshops : Organising international workshops around specific topics, e.g. : "How to write a succesful proposal", "Project management" "Contract negociation" …

Warsaw : IDEAL-IST & 6FP 25-26/11/ ideal-ist : what's in it for YOU ? Find your national ideal-ist representative on : * We are eager to help you !