Private Applicator Record Keeping Requirements It’s the Law! Commercial and private applicators and agencies must keep records on all pesticides applied.


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Private Applicator Record Keeping Requirements

It’s the Law! Commercial and private applicators and agencies must keep records on all pesticides applied. The records must be held for 2 years and must be available to the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) on request.

The following information must be recorded: Name of applicator/consultant. The name of the Certified Applicator should be included if it is different. Date of application and recommendation. Target pest, type of plant, animal, or structure being treated. Acreage or numbers of plants or animals, or a description of or square footage of structures.

More Requirements Address of treated property. Common name and EPA registration number of pesticide or pesticides used or recommended. Rate and concentration of pesticide used or recommended. Total amount of pesticide used.

Additional Records for Commercial Applicators Name of owner or tenant of property. Type of equipment used. *Time of application *Wind direction and estimated velocity, and weather conditions at application site. *Recording the time and weather conditions would be a good thing to do for private applicators as well.

Record Format There are all kinds of sample applicator record keeping spread sheets around. Just find one that works for you. It can be as simple as keeping your records on a sheet of notebook paper to using a computer-based program. It doesn’t matter as long as it works for you and you do it. Good Luck!