DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen1 JUnit A tool for test case management
DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen2 JUnit idea JUnit is a Java framework that helps you to –write –manage –execute test cases automatically. Tests can be made manually – but not in this course...
DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen3 Burstein terms Test bed: execution environment Test: set of test cases Test case: –(input, –expected output, –environment)
DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen4 Demo The green bar!
DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen5 JUnit 4.x Radical change from JUnit 3.8 –New syntax for defining test cases but rather easy, just sprinkle some annotations over your –No graphical runner anymore you can make them run in JUnit 3.8 by using an Adapter pattern (JUnit4TestAdapter) but the hierarchy of test cases are not working any more, and it does not reload classes between runs. It is – well – not so good. Use the text based runner.
DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen6 Suites Suites are also defined very differently Again it is annotation based...
DAIMI(c) Henrik Bærbak Christensen7 Summary JUnit helps us in writing automated tests JUnit 4.x has changed the syntax to the better but the support for green bar is really bad...