COMP106 Assignment 2 PROPOSAL 20
Proposed metaphor For the new system I propose to implement an interface which much more closely imitates a library The current system does little to mask the fact that we are querying a database, and thus is quite different to what we do when we actually visit a library The most major addition to the system will be ability to borrow books through the system, and reserve them for collection
Proposed metaphor The current system, for all its on screen help and hints, still requires the user to be familiar with using websites and filling in standard forms By making the site resemble an actually library, with virtual aisles and bookshelves presented on screen a user will be able to use it much more intuitively The metaphor could even be extended into a 3D model which would run as a web-browser plugin, allowing the user to literally walk through the library
Improvements There will be several main improvements to the system, firstly when searching for books, the user will be able to go the Librarian and through a user friendly interface one will be able to interact with the virtual librarian who will offer search tips and advice Queries will be entered in natural language, allowing non-expert users to phrase questions as if spoken. This will circumvent the need to trawl through documentation and FAQ’s. For the expert-users, there will be a more traditional search option available, here the user will be able to directly enter query phrases, and basically be closer to the actual database running behind the scenes
The interface By using the direct-manipulation form of graphical user interface, the user can pan around the library using their mouse over the image, allowing a full 360 o rotation. Interactive elements of the scene will be highlighted and can be visited by clicking upon them. The alternative locations will be presented in a traditional frame to the left hand side of the window, allowing the user to quickly jump between sections or back to the overview of the library.
Usage and improvements The user will be able to pan to aisles representing different subjects Upon clicking the desired the subject, the user will be taken to a representation of a bookshelf If desired the user can browse the bookshelf, with a description of the book available upon mouse-over A search box will be readily available, with its scope set to the current subject
Searching the library The search will visually take the user to the book on the shelf, allowing the user to see other works by this author If the user has searched by a field other than author, then the virtual bookshelf is automatically rearranged to reflect the different sorting methods As a further option, the user can be showed a selection of closest matches if the search does not return any exact results
Searching the library Double clicking the book will take the user to its ‘record’ in a pop-up window (as to allow the user to compare books) Here notes such as publishing date, revision, number of pages and any extracts will be displayed It is on this page that the most important new option is available; “borrow this book” Clicking this will deposit the book in a ‘shopping cart’
Borrowing a book If all the copies of this book are out, the user will be informed the date at which they can pick the book up When clicking “borrow this book”, the option is not finalised until you return to the Librarians desk, login with your student details This allows the user to lend several books. A message warns the user if the borrowing limit is exceeded Here the length of the time the book will be taken out is entered (depending on the demand of the book, only short loan options may be available) and a receipt with reservation number can be printed out on the local printer The receipt can then be taken along to the actual library and the books collected
Interface mismatches By developing a ‘virtual library’ system, I have endeavoured to keep the differences between the real experience of interacting with a library and the proposed system to a minimum By reducing these target/source mismatches the whole system will become more intuitive However, there will be some discrepancies between the two systems
Actions Target Get book from shelf Ask librarian a question Walk to desired section Source Double click book on virtual shelf Type question into virtual librarian query box using natural language Pan around the screen until desired section is in view, then click to go there
Actions Target Take book to reception and hand over card for swiping. Verbally informed of return date Source Add book to ‘shopping cart’, when all books have been chosen, go back to the virtual assistant for ‘checkout’. Enter StudentID and PIN. Print reservation slip. Go to library for collection.
Possible mismatches Users may assume, wrongly, that once ‘borrow book’ has been clicked, the book is reserved Solution: user must go through the checkout procedure User may think that by closing the book window, will take the book out of the ‘shopping cart’ Solution: user must delete the book from the shopping cart User may assume by closing the website, books in the cart will have been reserved Solution: user must go through the checkout procedure