1 ECC NuMI near hall Second life of DONUT detector DONUT members, (Nagoya) and Lyon Nagoya University M. Komatsu
2 Overview of the setup There are two independent detector ECC detector with DONUT SFT –To get large number of events. –ECC target using new emulsion films which developed for the OPERA experiment. Similar with DONUT so called ECC200. Passive target material would be lead and iron for this setup. –Old DONUT Scintillation Fiber Tracker Interface between ECC target to MINOS near detector for muon ID. Sophisticated detector –To get few hundred well measured events with single ECC + SSD + ECAL + Neutron detector. All equipments are re-use or existing one.
3 NuMI 20 POT/year of NuMI running –LE configuration E peak =3.0GeV, =10.2GeV,rate=200K/ton/year –ME configuration E peak =7.0GeV, =8.5GeV,rate=765K/ton/year –HE configuration E peak =12.0GeV, =13.5GeV, rate=1575K/ton/year Pseudo High energy run while beam tuning –Good for high energy test for sophisticated detector.
4 ECC ECAL Minos near Detector (HCAL Muon ID) Detector for Backward Neutrals (scintillator bars) Silicon tracker planes Veto Longitudinal dimensions: ECC + silicon trackers 20 cm Ecal (lead glass blocks) 50 cm Neutron detector 50 cm Veto 5 cm (scintillator planes) Transverse dimensions: max 50 cm, Si trackers will just exceed the brick by a few cm per side Sophisticated detector (Lyon) 1.5m long
5 The detector is made with existing/recycled components We can afford a sophisticated detector for one brick, given its small size. Thi is possible due to the high neutrino flux. The detector can fit in a space of 1.5 m longitudinal, < 1 m transverse which, as Morfin suggested, could be available in between Minerva and Minos due to the minos coils. This is an important point. Our dimensions will be the ones described before independently on the final optimization by the simulation. The idea is to change the brick exposed a few times per day (depending on the max number of interactions we want to accept per brick (HE run: 27 interactions per day). The neutron detector will be made of scintillator strips ‘we can recycle the ones of the TT) with WLS fibers readout and M64 photmultipliers + standard opera TT electronics. The layers of strips will be crossed in X and Y. Sophisticated detector (Lyon)
6 What we can do in ECC We can study neutrino interaction properties using fine grained detector (ECC). –ECC can measure number of charged tracks, their slopes and momentum just after half mm from neutrino interaction point. No other detector can measure tracks just after interaction. –Target material can be changed. (Just change passive target material to test other material.) 1mm passive target material Emulsion film NuMI beam
7 DONUT SFT detector Emulsion Target Stations Scintillating Fiber Trackers DONUT SFT will be re-used
8 DONUT SFT detector Second life of DONUT detector after coming back from Fermilab. Sit in a museum for educational purpose for young students. The detector is working for cosmic ray display. Prepared for beam exposure test bench at Nagoya University. Will be used at KEK and hopefully again at Fermilab. 1800W x 1200D x 1800H mm 3
9 DONUT SFT detector 500mm MiniWall : named after OPERA target wall Each MiniWall contain 4x4=16 ECC brick.
10 DONUT SFT detector SFT plane ECC Brick (dummy) Wall SFT plane Two MiniWall is already installed in SFT system for pion beam. We add more MiniWall in front of this detector to increase target mass. Four MiniWall is maximum.
11 ECC brick Element of the detector ECC Brick (8.3kg) Vacuum Packed
12 ECC brick 125mm 100mm Pb Plates Emulsion films 125mm Lead Plates (1 mm thick ) 56/Brick Emulsion films 58/Brick Weight 8.3 kg Passive target material can be changed. (5.8kg for iron.) 100mm
13 Emulsion film Emulsion 43micron Base 200 micron minimum ionizing particles ~ 15 silver grains / 43 m m Cross-sectional view of an Emulsion layer 3D vector tracker with sub-micron accuracy
14 Search for aligned grains ( straight-lines). output Track info: Position and Angle 3D digitised Emulsion layer image (16 two-dimensional images of different focal positions.) Plastic base 200 m Microscope Z axis Objective Lens x50 ~3 m focal depth Resolution 512x512 pixels Field of View 150x120 m 2 Emsulion Layer 43 m Emulsion Film CCD camera CCD camera Emulsion Layer 43 m Emulsion Scanning system
15 CCD Camera 120 frame/s Emulsion Film Objective lens X-Y stage Z stage Read-out head Track recognition hardware Emulsion scanning system
16 Develop Initial sensitivity Production Beam exp. Refresh process Refresh result Sensitivity aging after refresh Grain density 35/100 m Nearly perfect erasing No sensitivity degradation after refresh Temp. 30 ℃, R.H. 98%, 3days Production Beam exp. Grain density 35/100 m Develop ProductionRefresh process Beam exp. Develop Emulsion refresh developed in Nagoya University with Fuji film Co. To get low BG fresh emulsion. Emulsion refresh
17 Tono Mine Nagoya Osaka Tokyo Cosmic ray reduction 1 st hall : 45m deep, 1/50(115m.w.e.) 2 nd hall : 96m deep, 1/400(220m.w.e.) Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute Tono Geoscience Center 1 st Hall 2 nd Hall Tono Mine Emulsion refresh
18 Emulsion refresh Spread emulsion films on tray. Store trays into refresh chamber. 8,100 films / chamber Installation of 14 refresh chambers Four people work in same time
19 Setup MINOS near NuMI beam SFT plane (XYYX) 10X + 10Y plane + 2 inclined plane MiniWall consist of 4x4 brick = 132.8kg In total 531.2kg maximum. Minimum is 8.3kg Muon ID 1.2m long and 1.8x1.8m 2 Location will be in between MINERvA and MINOS or front of MINERvA. To get larger muon acceptance, closer is better. ECC ECAL Detector for Backward Neutrals (scintillator bars) Silicon tracker planes Veto 1.5m long and 1.0x1.0m 2 ECC detector and sophisticated detector could be side by side. ECC detector exist and sophisticated detector need to be assembled.
20 Setup (Side by side) ECC I.I. Sophisticated detector 1.8m 1.0m 1.8m Support frame If longitudinal space is very much limited, side by side configuration is possible, both detector locate 50cm off from beam center. NuMI beam center 1.2m long 1.5m long
21 Setup Target station (MiniWall) –Four target station, each MiniWall contain 4x4=16 ECC bricks kg and 92.8kg for lead and iron ECC, respectively. –In total, 531.2kg and 371.2kg maximum. Minimum is one brick. DONUT SFT –In total 10X, 10Y and 2 of inclined plane. –SFT is not for event location but for time stamping and interface to MINOS near detector for muon ID. Trigger (ECC detector) –Image Intensifier CCD read out is slow. –Spill by spill trigger. No event trigger. Offline selection. –A event in every 100 spill. Space we need –SFT unit size is 1.8m x 1.8m x 1.2m(longitudinal). –Sophisticated detector size is 1.0m x 1.0m x 1.5m(longitudinal). –Emulsion handling space which DONUT needed.(dark room for ECC assemble and development.)
22 Experimental setup Installation scheme –Everything is assembled inside of support frame. We do not disturb MINOS installation. At the final moment, we put our setup like this. Our setup Assembled at somewhere in Fermilab.
23 Event analysis procedure Brick extraction –Basically, brick extraction like DONUT and CHORUS experiment. We accumulate events as much as possible. Part of bricks will be extracted in a day, week or month for earlier analysis. Event location –A method used in CHORUS experiment, so called ScanBack. Tag all tracks at the most downstream film of the brick. Follow all tagged tracks up to production point. Event analysis – A method used in DONUT experiment, so called NetScan. At the located position, scan all recorded tracks on emulsion films will be scanned, then reconstruct whole event structure around located position. Number of tracks, their slope, momentum and possibly particle ID. Muon ID –Located track will be searched in SFT system, that gives time stamp on the event to connect MINOS near detector.
24 Event analysis procedure Brick extraction –For earlier analysis, we extract part of bricks. Part of bricks will be extracted in a day, week and month. Extracted brick will be re-filled. –Even after one year beam exposure, neutrino event density in ECC brick is 1.7 events/cc for LE configuration. And 13.7 for HE configuration. Similar density with CHORUS experiment. –12.8 tracks/cm 2 for LE and tracks/cm 2 for HE configuration. These track density is low enough to identify tracks on SFT system uniquely.
25 Event analysis procedure Event location –Special Sheet (SS) Scanning Scan whole surface of the most downstream emulsion film to tag all tracks recorded on the film. These tracks are prediction to the next film. –Scan Back According to SS scanned result, tracks are followed film by film. SS ScanBack method is used in old Fermilab E531 by manually but since CHORUS experiment, this procedure is completely automated. To get high following efficiency, one missing is allowed for track following.
26 Event analysis procedure NetScan –NetScan is developed in DONUT experiment for event analysis. And applied also in CHORUS phase II analysis. –Basic idea is to handle emulsion film as thinnest and finest 3D vector tracking detector. (43 m emulsion layer on both side of 200 m transparent plastic base) –DAQ is automatic scanning system (UTS) Faster scanning system (S-UTS) is under construction. –Single 43 m emulsion layer gives 0.25 m position resolution and 7mrad angular resolution. Using single emulsion film of two emulsion layer on base gives 2mrad angular resolution.
27 NetScan in CHORUS DAQ and Offline reconstruction
28 NetScan Data 1Plate ~800 track segments 1.5mm Beam
29 NetScan Data 8Plates 1.5mm 8plates (6.3mm)
30 NetScan Data Fine alignment Reconstruct tracks 1.5mm 8plates (6.3mm)
31 RMS of displacement from reconstructed track ・・・・・・ Mean 0.23 m Mean 0.25 m NetScan alignment accuracy
32 NetScan tracking efficiency Tracking efficiency in each emulsion plates ・・・・・・ 3/3 2/3
33 NetScan Data reject penetrating tracks 1.5mm 8plates (6.3mm)
34 NetScan Data reconstruct vertex νint.vtx + D 0 decay vtx 1.5mm 8plates (6.3mm)
35 Predictions : DAQ finished : Good data : DATA Quality check What we did in CHORUS
36 Momentum measurement in ECC Momentum measurement using multiple scattering. –Usual spectrometer use magnet to give P T kick, then translate measured angular difference between initial and exit gives particle momentum. Multiple scattering gives also P T kick according to multiple scattering formula. –By measuring scattering through matter gives momentum information. However, scattering P T is not constant. Therefore, we need many measurement points for single track. ECC is good for this measurement. 1/p
37 Momentum measurement in ECC Systematic momentum measurement has done in DONUT experiment. Right scatter plot shows momentum measured by spectrometer vs. by multiple scattering. This is only a part of tracks from neutrino interaction vertex which as spectrometer momentum. All charged tracks at primary neutrino interaction point is measured. By spectrometer By scattering
38 Momentum measurement in ECC This is measured momentum for 232 tracks from 78 events in DONUT ECC. Solid line is MC and plot is data. Left is 5GeV/c bin up to 100GeV/c and right is 1GeV/c bin up to 20GeV/c. Accuracy is 20-40% depend on P and length.
39 Momentum measurement in ECC This is measured P T distribution for 232 tracks from 78 events in DONUT ECC. Solid line is MC and plot is data. Left is 250MeV/c bin up to 5GeV/c and right is 100MeV/c bin up to 2GeV/c. Data and MC agreement is quite well in P T distribution. It means, emission angle and momentum correlation is good.
40 Particle ID in ECC ECC detector can add particle IDs for electrons and slow protons inside of ECC brick. Electron ID – Electron ID is done by using different energy loss hypothesis between electron and hadron and EM shower measurement. –In the case of electron, energy loss through matter is dominated by bremsstrahlung (E=E 0 e -x/X0 ). On the other hand, hadron lose their energy by ionization loss (E=E 0 -dE/dX). Because of bremsstrahlung, electron makes EM shower. Slow proton and kaon ID –Emulsion record charged tracks by 0.6 m silver grains which developed from 0.3 m silver-halide crystal. For MIP, emulsion form 30 grains / 100 m. This number of grain is translated to pulse height in our automatic scanning system. This pulse height strongly correlated to dE/dX.
41 5X05X0 1 mm 5 cm Particle ID in ECC This is an EM shower observed In ECC test beam exposure. Initial electron energy is 8GeV. Horizontal and vertical scale is not same. Each segments are measured tracks on emulsion. Electron ID efficiency obtained in OPERA MC. Electron ID efficiency need to be re-calculated in clouded event condition.
42 Particle ID in ECC e π Data MC 2GeV 4GeV Two hypothesis χ 2 analysis Test CERN (May 2001)
43 MC a few GeV Energy determination by calorimetric method (need study in clouded condition) Particle ID in ECC
44 Pb Film P=1.2GeV/c Hadron + dE/dX dE/dX = measurement ~number of grains P Particle ID in ECC Slow p & K ID
45 Low dE/dX Higher dE/dX Consistent with Pion Consistent with Proton P measurement using Multiple Scattering Expected Value for pion Expected Value for proton Resolution p Particle ID in ECC Also slow kaon can be identified in ECC.
46 Physics performance 20K LE configuration generated CC+NC events –20,000(15,092CC + 4,908NC) events. –18,708(15,092CC + 3,616NC) events has charged tracks. –Thanks to V. Paolone. Assuming our standard location procedure using slope tan <0.4 tracks (DONUT and CHORUS). –14,519(12,549CC+1,970NC)/18,708 (77.6%) events survive for location procedure. –17,905(14,943CC+2,962NC)/18,708 (95.7%) for tan <1.0 Event analysis assuming large slope cut tan <1.0 –34,769/44,857 (77.5%) tracks can be measured on emulsion film. –40,164/52,247 (76.9%) also for tan <1.0 location.
47 Physics performance Location efficiency as a function of neutrino energy Momentum distribution for muon and LE
48 Summary Period –In 2005, beam tuning time and real LE configuration running. Space we need –1.8mx1.8mx1.2m(long) for ECC detector. –1.0mx1.0mx1.5m(long) for sophisticated detector. –Space for emulsion handling which used in DONUT. Installation –We do not interfere MINOS and MINERvA installation. We assemble all our staff somewhere in Fermilab. At the final moment, we just put our setup into NuMI near hall. Data link to MINOS near detector –We need data link to add muon identification. We need information to fix design –Available space between MINOS and MINERvA or in upstream. –Magnetic field strength around expected location. Let us come in NuMI near hall