Regional and Process modeling Requires a good linkage between models and observation to be most effective
Salinity U V 1oN1oN3.5 o N Interleaving of water masses Observations (R/V Mirai January 2008) Theory Process studies Use of Earth Simulator (JAMSTEC) Impact in climate models (NCAR)
Sub-mesoscale structures Combined use of satellite altimetry and ocean color: association of chlorophyll filaments with unstable manifolds of the flow Proposal to use UAV Regional and process modeling to elucidate linkages Vertical upwelling cells aligned with unstable manifolds Relevant question: "What contribution do sub- mesoscale structures make to overall primary production rates?" Unstable manifolds (Calil) Chlorophyll
The need to study the coupling between the ocean and atmosphere on a broad range of scales is becoming increasingly apparent. Example: Eastern Tropical Pacific where coupling affects: SST, currents, TIWs, clouds, etc (c.f. results from iROAM) Coupled ocean/atmosphere processes Other examples ocean fronts island wakes western tropical Pacific (timely to revisit) SST
Why do we do all this stuff? Broader contexts: Improvement of the representation of processes in climate models Impact of physics on biology (and possible feedbacks) "Placing the marine biota in the sub-mesoscale world" as an example Down-scaling of climate change
Model development versus off-the-shelf models Striking the right balance Involvement in community efforts: ROMS, CCSM (CFES, NICAM, LOVECLIM) Data assimilation: beyond ocean-state estimation and prediction
“Models should not be treated as black boxes, but require understanding of their strengths and deficiencies, imagination in their use, and insight into elucidating underlying processes and recognizing significant results.” Requires a "critical mass" of expertise in ocean physics, atmospheric physics, numerical techniques, and ecosystem dynamics. SOEST is well placed except in regard to ecosystem modeling and possibly numerical techniques
Issues Lack of ecosystem modeling expertise to link the physical and biological worlds. In-house expertise would strength one or more budding links with for example CMORE, State and NOAA fisheries, Nature Conservancy and Bishop Museum, and open up new opportunities. and the usual... cpu cycles (and where to put them - lack of machine room space) storage attraction and retention of good programming support