Unusual Cause of Pleural Effusion Dr. Mazen Badawi Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Demerdash Prof. Omer Al-Amoudi
Week 1 63 yrs old Saudi gentleman, Presented to ENT clinic with 1 wk history of: Sore throat, low grade fever, generalized fatigue Diagnosed as URTI, received antibiotics
Week 2 Partial improvement Having heaviness in Rt side of chest Received 2 nd course of antibiotics for suspected pneumonia
Week 3 Patient developed shortness of breath Seen in our OPD Admitted
Week 3 : History Cough, pleuritic chest pain Smoker for 35 years, DM and HTN on oral medications Other systemic review was unremarkable
Week 3 : Examination Signs of Rt. Sided moderate pleural effusion
Week 3 : Examination Incidental findings Left small breast mass Goiter Otherwise, normal
Week 3 : Investigations CBC, U&E, LFT normal CXR= moderate Rt sided pleural effusion
Diagnosis so far ?…
Week 3 : Management Initial DX Parapneumonic effusion Pleural tapping done light yellowish fluid sent for diagnostics IV antibiotics were started Chest tube inserted
Analysis RatioSerumPleural fluid 60%7042Protein 80%148121LDH 60% Glucose Cell count 5333 cells/cc 81% Lymph 3% Mono/Macro WBC 833RBC -veAFB + PCR -veBacterial stain + cult. Abundant lymphocytesCytology
Week 3 : Work up CT chest = LN Mediastinal Rt hilar Para aortic Multiloculated, nodular soft tissue mass at left breast, Goiter No parynchymal lung lesion
Week 4 Chest tube drainage turned to be more whitish Daily drainage = 300cc for more than 2 weeks
Analysis RatioSerumPleural fluid 60%7042Protein 80%148121LDH 60% Glucose Cell count 5333 cells/cc 81% Lymph 3% Mono/Macro WBC 833RBC -veAFB + PCR -veBacterial stain + cult. Abundant lymphocytesCytology
Week 4 : The lab story pleural TG sample
Surprisingly … TG =450 mg/dl
Diagnosis : TG > 110 mg/dl chylothorax Possibly ruptured thoracic duct, due to : Lymphoma : HD, NHL Lung CA Mets.
Week 5 Surgeons were hesitant for immediate mediastinoscopy Breast and thyroid lesion were biopsied
Week 6 Thyroid FNA Follicular growth, no malignant cells Breast biopsy hemangioma
Week 7 Patient admitted under surgical care, underwent mediastinoscopy. LN histopathology : Invasive keratinizing squamous carcinoma, well differentiated 1ry is ? : Lungs, larynx, nasopharynx, esophagus
Plan Localizing primary site, staging Treating
Thank You…