On Motion Analysis: Understanding Movement Yunyu Wang Professor Drama and Dance Colorado College.


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Presentation transcript:

On Motion Analysis: Understanding Movement Yunyu Wang Professor Drama and Dance Colorado College

How Do We Read Movement  Labanotation  Laban Movement Analysis

Labanotation  Body  Time  Level  Direction Directions Sample of Labanotation – total 9 music counts movement Yunyu Wang Body Parts

Laban Movement Analysis/LMA  Body  Effort  Shape  Space Harmony

Body – 6 Human Development Patterns  breath  head-tail  body half – upper and lower  body half – left and right  diagonal  core

8 Efforts Flow Effort : Free ( 輕鬆流暢,肌肉放鬆 ) Bound ( 拘束,拘謹,隨時可停止 ) Space Effort : Direct ( 動作目標明確 ) Indirect ( 間接的,可隨時轉移方向 ) Weight Effort : Strong ( 撞擊有力勁道強 ) Light ( 纖細,輕如空氣 ) Time Effort : Sudden ( 急速,匆忙,突然的 ) Sustain ( 悠閒,從容,繼續的 )

3 Shape Shape Flow Directional Shaping

Space Harmony  The Body Kinesphere – near, mid.,far  6 points in body space – up/down, side, front/back  two-dimensional – door, wheel, table  Octahedron, cube, icosahedrons, tetrahedron  scales: steeples, volutes, A, B, peripheral/transverse 3-rings, axis, primary, girdle, etc …

Body Kinesphere

6 points in body space B H LR F D

Octahedron, cube, icosahedrons, tetrahedron

The End In observing a movement we must visualize all the intermediary stages of its unfolding.