Computational Physics Dr. Guy Tel-Zur Bench In Valley Gardens by Petr Kratochvil. Version :50
Admin Exe #3 Order of the presentations Next 2 lectures: The presentations
Agenda PDEs Mini course: Kepler workflow manager Mini course: Geant4 & JAS3 Mini course: OpenFoam (N/A in CP2011A) [[Mini course: DemoGrid (N/A in CP2011A) – Distributed Computing 2012B]]
PDEs Open PDEs presentation
Kepler Open a separate PPT file
Geant4 Open a separate PPT file
Java Analysis Studio Open a separate PPT file
VRML VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) Software and Plug-ins: – Demos: – A good reference: – 96/course/toc.htm 96/course/toc.htm
The software installed on my laptop Home page: Home page:
VRML demo #VRML V2.0 utf8 # A Cylinder Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { } } geometry Cylinder { height 2.0 radius 1.5 } Code under: lecture11/code/cylinder.wrl