1 Designing & Developing Interactive Learning Objects for Online Courses Ms. Darla Runyon Dr. Roger Von Holzen Presentation available at: Northwest Missouri State University
2 New Teaching Strategies Online instruction has sparked new teaching strategies for faculty to incorporate into their classes Strategies evident in –online courses –web-augmented course sites –campus-based courses*
3 New Teaching Strategies A key element in this new teaching strategy is the integration of interactive, instructional concepts The goal of this strategy is to more effectively engage students in the learning process*
4 Course Design When preparing to teach online, many instructors look at the campus-based model and try to design their online course based on this model –Trying to follow this practice can cause extreme frustration…
6 Course Redesign In order for online delivery to be a successful learning medium for the student, though, a major redesign must take place*
7 Instructional Design The foundation for any course is based on good instructional design which begins with the development of clear, concise learning outcomes –determine critical course content –discern what the students should know or accomplish based on the critical content What must the student know in order to function in authentic or real world situations?*
8 Instructional Design –should be measurable through an applicable assessment of that outcome –should provide evidence of mastery of the learning outcome through student performance Example *Example
9 Instructional Design Learning outcomes should be communicated to the student include in syllabus list in course introductory module list for each individual module or unitmodule or unit convey in related activities, instructional concepts and assignments*
10 The Learning Cycle Learning outcomes provide the framework for the instructional plan of the course which includes –an assessment plan –course activities and assignments –a plan for progressing through the learning cycle*learning cycle
11 The Learning Cycle The learning cycle is based on the student moving in and out of the activities, assignments, and assessments within the course Best if based upon a mastery learning concept –motivates the learner to focus upon learning and not the score/grade*
12 Course Design The design process fosters the emergence of a teaching strategy which facilitates students engaging themselves in their individual learning cycle This strategy is the integration of instructional concepts into the learning cycle for a particular module of content*
13 Instructional Concepts Instructional concepts are the application components of the critical content of a course or module –provides the student with the opportunity to apply what they have learned These instructional concepts may be 1)concepts that have been historically difficult for students Equilibrium 2)critical course concepts, which students must know to function in real-world situations*
14 Integrated Learning Experience Once developed, these instructional concepts can become a part of an integrated learning experience –Students should have gone through some critical content learning activities prior to using the concept –Needed to build a foundation for applying the instructional concept awareness of related learning outcome readings from the textbook content and concept lectures threaded discussions brief, formative content assessments –Example: Medical Terminology—Word Building*Word Building
15 Integrated Learning Experience –Student use of the instructional concept complete the concept tutorial complete the activities included in the concept complete the formative assessments associated with the concept –Students are given the opportunity to work with the concept as many times as needed before completing a performance assessment this may lead the student back into the learning cycle for supplemental relearning and reassessment cycle back through the concept if the formative assessment indicates the need for relearning Electronegativity*Electronegativity
16 Integrated Learning Experience –Additional content and/or concept related activities should follow the use of the concept threaded discussions activities and assignments –To close the learning cycle the student completes some type of summative assessment*
17 Design and Development The curriculum specialist works with a faculty member to identify an appropriate instructional concept –Simple storyboarding techniques outline the basic project –Sample drawingSample drawing Students employees and/or interns are assigned to a project Appointment is scheduled with a project development team –Faculty, student employee/intern, computer specialist, and curriculum specialist*
18 Design and Development The project is discussed in detail with the project development team and a plan is put in place to manage the project*
19 Design and Development Student employee/intern becomes main coordinator of project with faculty –Set up meetings as the project progresses –Project outlineProject outline –Make sure the project is on target with the instructor’s expectations –Final project*Final project
20 Template A template is used to plan the instructional concept The parts of the template include –Related learning outcome(s) Press release –Related critical content Timeline –Concept tutorial Includes text, graphics, animation, and narration of process Includes ability to replay the tutorial Tutorial example*Tutorial example
21 Template –Incorporate multiple learning modalities Text and graphics Animation with narration –Change DemandChange Demand Script of the narrations –Be aware of ADA compliance issues –Group CommunicationGroup Communication –Build in the functionality to complete multiple applications/examples of the concept Micrometer--TegrityMicrometer Micrometer--FlashMicrometer –Include formative assessment of the concepts with immediate feedback –Provide the opportunity for working through the concept multiple times*
22 Delivery Format –Determine the appropriate delivery format As multimedia software—Flash Utilizing productivity software—Word, Excel, PowerPoint –Calculating Net Percent ValueCalculating Net Percent Value As an HTML file--Library TutorialLibrary Tutorial Content creation software—Tegrity –Scatterplot SessionScatterplot Session – Game creation software—The Game Creation System – – The Computer Specialist assists in determining the most appropriate delivery format*
23 Student Training Begin student training by having them rebuild a completed project Flash resources – –FLASH MX Action Script Bible –Examples from previous students employees/interns
24 Project Costs Student employee/intern labor Intern labor is free Estimated hours on Medical Terminology instructional concept –Approximately 40 hours for design and development of template –Approximately 40 hours for tutorial and remaining duplicate concepts –Student labor per hour = $6 Estimated total cost for project: $480*
25 Project Costs Additional costs that could be included –Faculty time –Student employee training time –Curriculum Specialist –Computer Specialist*
26 Resources Building a library of resources available to faculty campus-wide –many of these instructional concepts can be used in a variety of content areas –templatetemplate –web site to access resources
27 Ms. Darla Runyon Dr. Roger Von Holzen