Research Review June - November 2007 Colin McEnroe.


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Presentation transcript:

Research Review June - November 2007 Colin McEnroe

Overview Began June 2007 Simple simulations Lambda Feeddown Correction Current: CuCu200 μDST

Simulations C++ Random λ C + four momentum generation Thrown into detector using STARSIM

λ Feeddown Correction Wrote C++ code for two body decay Adapted from λ c + generation Verifying Daniel’s results Looked at DCA < 3.0 cm pions and protons

μDST Analysis Looking at μDST η vs. TPC Hits

μDST Analysis Looking at μDST η vs. TPC Hits Detector effects apparent dE/dx

μDST Analysis Looking at μDST η vs. TPC Hits Detector effects apparent dE/dx Colorful to exhibit particle statistics

μDST Analysis Looking at μDST η vs. TPC Hits Detector effects apparent dE/dx Colorful to exhibit particle statistics Tightening nSigma cuts to select particles

μDST Analysis Looking at μDST η vs. TPC Hits Detector effects apparent dE/dx Colorful to exhibit particle statistics Tightening nSigma cuts to select particles Particles selected for combinatorics

μDST Analysis Invariant Mass

μDST Analysis Invariant Mass Dalitz Plot

Goals STAR Get more statistics. Work on simultaneous/exponential fit for invariant mass to subtract background to look for λ c +. Try swapping the sign on the π + to find π - K - p triplets as the background Begin to explore Time Of Flight detectors. CMS CMS software for next summer.