6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 1 Chinese Electronic Resources Workshop Instructors: Cathy Chiu, Julie Su
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 2 Introduction Goal: 1.Learn when and how to use which database to answer what type of research inquiries. 2.Apply Information Literacy skills in teaching
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 3 Agenda I Introduction (10 min.) Information Literacy & Teaching Methods (10 min.) Database Selection: 20 most useful Chinese databases (5 min.) Online Catalog & Interlibrary Loan (15 min.) Group Exercise: Full-text Databases (15 min.) Exercise: Primary sources & Reference database (5 min.) Reference Databases (5 min.)
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 4 Agenda II China Data Online (15 min.) Statistical databases (5 min.) Exercise: Reference Databases (5 min.) Classical Chinese Databases (10 min.) Group Exercise: Siku & Academia Sinica (10 min.) Conclusion (10 min.)
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 5 Overview Electronic Resources: –Material consisting of data and/or computer program(s) encoded for reading and manipulation by a computer. Examples: software applications, electronic texts, bibliographic databases. –Databases: any collection of data, or information, that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer.
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 6 Increasing supplies & Increasing demands Hard to keep up with all the resources and issues related to digital resources, e.g. copyright, critical thinking, ethic and legal aspect of information usage. Information Literacy: the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, and use information.
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 7 Information Literacy (Research Literacy) Ability to recognize “information” or research needs Ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed “information” (recorded knowledge) Evaluate information (knowledge) and its sources critically using critical thinking skill authenticity validity reliability
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 8 Teaching Information Literacy Research process Learning theories Teaching theories –Teaching vs. (active) learning –Sage on the stage vs. Guide on the side –Tools vs. critical thinking –Meeting various learning styles Collaboration, integration & participation
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 9 Database Selection Four groups: 1.Online catalogs: Find books & periodicals WorldCat, Melvyl, PEGASUS 2. Article databases: Find articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, book chapters, dissertations CAJ, People’s Daily 3.Reference databases: Find answers to quick questions dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, statistics & surveys (China Data Online), etc. 4.Full-text/Image databases: Find the entire text of a single work (example: 紅樓夢 ) or of articles published in journals, magazines, and/or newspapers. Siku Quanshu, Sibu Congkan, SuperStar E-books.
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 10 Which Database to Use? My research topic is about “ 林纾 ”. I want to find out all the works written by him and about him. How can I get the book I want if our library does not have it?
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 11 Online Catalog, Interlibrary Loan – U.S. & China Duxiu – 作者 = author – 全部字段 = keyword – 全文 = full-text Interlibrary Loan: World Cat, MELVYLWorld CatMELVYL Gateway Service, University of Pittsburg:
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 12 Full-text Articles or E-books If possible, I prefer to have full-text articles or e- books so I do not have to make copies myself or try to borrow from somewhere. China Academic Journals (CAJ) People’s Daily SuperStar Ebooks
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 13 Exercise: One of my Ph.D. student is working on getting information, pictures and archives on Manchuria Railroad Company's Passenger Fleet and cargo ship and railroad service. China Encyclopedia
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 14 Reference Databases: I would like to learn more about depositories of survey data on china and Taiwan. Where can I find them? China Data Online National Bureau of Statistics of China 中华人民共和国统计局 Taiwan Government Statistic Data
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 15 What is the concept of “xin zhai” ( 心齋 )? Locate the phrase in the original context. Chinese Dictionary T/MANDR/EDU /fourdict.htm T/MANDR/EDU /fourdict.htm
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 16 Classical Chinese Databases Siku Quanshu 四庫全書 Sibu Congkan 四部叢刊 CHANT: Pre-Qin to Northern and Southern Dynasties 漢達文庫 漢達文庫 Hanquan 寒泉古典文獻 Hanquan Wanglu Zhanshudu : Poetry & Ci 網路展書讀
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 17 How to find the primary sources in Jade production and distribution of Xinjiang and Burmese areas during Ming and Qing Dynasty (17th to 18th centuries)? Siku Academia Sinica
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 18 Information Literacy Skills Learned: Defined the goals Prepared a lesson plan Pre-workshop needs assessment Active learning Participation
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 19 Database Summary I: Online Catalogs: –Duxiu –WorldCat –Melvyl Full-text Articles/E-books Databases –CAJ –People’s Daily –SuperStar
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 20 Database Summary II Reference Databases –Statistics: China Data Online, Taiwan Government Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics of China –Dictionary: Chinese Dictionary Classical Chinese Databases
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 21 Where to Get More Information More Sources: –NetInfo (NCL) NetInfo_home.htm NetInfo_home.htm –Baidu –Yam –UCSB East Asian Studies a1.html Additional Reading: Overview of Digital Libraries in China / Xiwen Zhang clouds.com/iclc/cliej/cl16zhang_files/frame.htm
6/24/ /06/2005 UC San Diego 22 Please fill out an evaluation form. Questions? Feel free to contact us: Thank you!