TAXONOMY FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF PDP/ePORTFOLIOS Wendy Clark and Jackie Adamson The three elements evaluated are not considered to be of equal importance to the development of learning autonomy, and have therefore been weighted accordingly. CONTEXT: BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS MODULE TITLE: Skills for Information Systems Professionals LEARNING OUTCOMES SOCIO-CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT (20%) Awareness of and responsiveness to the requirements of the module, socialisation, and the academic community. PRACTICAL COMPETENCE (20%) Microsoft Packages – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, ePortfolio tool, HTML REFLECTION AND SELF-EFFICACY (60%) Reflective language that describes, analyses and plans subsequent actions as a result of reviewing processes and events By the end of this module students should be able to: 1.Assemble and maintain an eportfolio of work providing evidence of their knowledge, skills and competences, and demonstrate reflection on their learning progress over the year. 2.Use technology effectively for communication and demonstration. 3.Communicate effectively and confidently, choosing methods appropriate to the situation encountered. 4.Be able to demonstrate management skills such as time management, team building/working, decision making and problem solving techniques. 5.Confidently use academic sources of reference, and understand the conventions of academic writing and citation Module themes addressed and evidenced by completion of required tasks to a high standard. Demonstrable peer collaboration, and enthusiastic participation in group activities ePortfolio demonstrates competence across a wide range of ICT applications. Evidence of some design flair and consideration given to human-computer interface (HCI) and ease of access Use of vocabulary, writing style and expression indicate engagement with the reflective process. Evidence of self-evaluation and awareness of the wider context Module themes addressed and evidenced by completion of required tasks to a reasonable standard. Some peer collaboration evident, and clear participation in group activities ePortfolio demonstrates competence across some ICT applications. Good, practical design evident Writing style mainly descriptive but some engagement with the reflective process. Reflection largely confined to the personal, with little attempt to connect to the wider context Module themes partly addressed by completion of some tasks to an acceptable standard. Very little peer collaboration evident, and only minor contributions made to group activities ePortfolio demonstrates basic competence and a basic knowledge of some ICT applications. Little evidence of thought given to design or HCI Use of vocabulary, writing style and expression entirely descriptive, showing very little engagement with the reflective process. Marks Defines competencies in relation to IT Gives some measurement of engagement Explores reflective practice Research shows that students who engage with the concept of PDP in a formal way report higher summative assessment marks. a)IT competence is necessary for successful use of the ePortfolio tool b)Development of this is one of the LOs c)These are IT students – motivate them to shine! Reflective practice is acknowledged to be necessary for the development of learning autonomy. Students find reflective writing difficult - instruction and practice needed.